Laboratory Primate Newsletter, Volume 35, Number 3 (2024)



Articles and Notes

Parasitic Protozoa in Neotropical Primates, by A. Gozalo & M.Tantaleán...... 1

Sexual Maturity and Seasonal Reproduction in Captive Cebus apella, byE. M. Patiño, J. T. Borda, & J. C. Ruiz ...... 8

Influence of Cage Size and Cage Equipment on Physiology and Behavior of CommonMarmosets (Callithrix jacchus), by J. Kerl & H. Rothe ...... 10

News, Information, and Announcements

Publication Announcement: A.S.P. Book Series ...... 7

Reston Strain Filovirus in Texas ...... 14

Information Requested or Available...... 15
. . . Veterinary Case Reports; Pan Africa News; Grateful Med on theInternet; Primate Species in Protected Areas; "Evaluating Eden;" NIH GrantsInformation e-mail Address; More WWW URLs

Workshop Anouncements ...... 16
. . . Measuring Behavior `96; Animal Care and Use Programs

World Health Organization Fact Sheet on Ebola Fever ...... 17

News Briefs ...... 18
. . . Revision of Guide Complete; Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, Gabon; AnimalImport News; DPZ Directors; Chimp Josie on the Mend ; New Vets atPrimate Foundation of AZ

Resources Available ...... 19
. . . Small-eared Bushbabies Available; Natural History Book Resources;Dissection Alternatives; Callithrix jacchus Family Available

Awards Granted and Award Nominations ...... 20
. . . Rwanda Rangers Win Getty Conservation Prize; Rozmiarek Honored;Replacement/Refinement Awards

Diane Fossey Commemorative Stamp Effort ...... 20

World Health Organization Fact Sheet on Malaria ...... 21

Research and Education Opportunities ...... 22
. . . Animal Welfare Short Courses; Animals and Human Society; FieldAssistant(s): Costa Rica; Howard Temin Award; Fellowships for TropicalBiology

Meeting Anouncements ...... 23
. . . I Congresso APE 1996; National AALAS; Society for Neuroscience; Ethics ofAnimal Experimentation; Silent Auction for Conservation

Grants Available ...... 24
. . . Fulbright Grants; NCRR Research and Resource Grant Support; NCRR Grants inComparative Medicine; NIDDK-NIAID Int'l Collaboration: Small Grants;Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators; Emerging Infectious Diseases; MentoredDevelopment Award in Aging; Transplantation Tolerance; Expanded Research onEmerging Diseases


Address Changes ...... 26

Recent Books and Articles ...... 27

Position Available: Clinical Research Veterinarian ...... 32

* * *

Parasitic Protozoa in Neotropical Primates

Alfonso Gozalo and Manuel Tantaleán
U.S. Naval Medical Research Institute Detachment and San MarcosUniversity, Lima, Peru


The New World species of primates (Platirrhini) are classified taxonomicallyaccording to their anatomical, physiological and behavioral characteristicsinto three families: Callithrichidae, Cebidae and Callimiconidae (Kavanagh,1984). Several of the 76 species distributed among these families have beenused in biomedical research, but seldom used as pets or for food by indigenousinhabitants of Amazonia. Approximately 13 (40%) of their parasites have beenshown to be pathogenic for primates, and 11 species have been associated withhuman disease (Brack, 1987). Therefore, it is important to be able to identifythe species of parasites associated with each of the species of nonhumanprimates.

The existing information on protozoa of neotropical primates has beenpublished as scattered reports among several different scientific journals.Consequently, a readily available comprehensive reference source is notavailable for veterinarians or physicians to rapidly identify the parasitesassociated with wild captured primates. The purpose of this report is toprovide an overall summary of the characteristics of the species of Flagellata,Sarcodina, Sporozoa and Ciliata protozoan parasites associated with neotropicalprimates, including life cycle, clinical symptoms, pathology, diagnosis, andtreatment.


Several species of Flagellata have been reported to affect New World primates(Table 1).

Trypanosoma cruzi. The trypomastigote of this species is found in theblood, adopts the U, C or S form, and measures approximately 20 um long(Figure 1). The central nucleus and large kinetoplast are located inthe acute end of the body; it possesses an undulating membrane bordered bya flagellum that is free at one end of the body (Flynn, 1973). This protozoanis the only member of the family Trypanosomatidae that forms amastigotenests in which this stage reproduces. These nests are formed in varioustissues of warm-blooded vertebrates. Infection occurs when the metacyclictrypomastigotes, shed in the feces of the arthropod vector, enter the woundcaused by the sting of the insect. The vectors are hematophaga insects of thefamily Rediviidae (Baker, 1972; Flynn, 1973). Unlike other species oftrypanosoma, T. cruzi is extremely pathogenic. Experimental infectionsof nonhuman primates resulted in signs of cardiac insufficiency (edema,bilateral enlargement of the cardiac shadow) and/or death due to myocarditis(Dunn et al., 1963; King, 1976; Toft, 1986). Microscopic diagnosis can be madeby observing the parasites in peripheral blood or in histologic sections ofcardiac muscle (Flynn, 1973). Drugs of the Imidazole group are recommended fortreatment. Fexinidazole is effective against the trypomastigote, but producesanemia and weight loss. Ketoconazole (5-15 mg/k/day) prevents infection by theamastigote during the generalized infection phase, but it must be used withcaution because of liver toxicity and inhibition of the synthesis of estheroidsfrom the adrenal glands (Wolff, 1990).

Figures 1-5: Flagellata.

Trypanosoma sanmartini is considered an aberrant strain or subspecies ofT. cruzi. This species is usually observed as a curved or S form, witha large ovoid kinetoplast in the margin and moderately developed undulatingmembrane. The parasite is about 17-24 um long. This species has been found inSaimiri monkeys, but its pathogenicity is unknown (Baker, 1972; Toft,1986; Wolff, 1990).

Trypanosoma minasense is 29-46 um long; the nucleus is generally locatedin the middle of the body (Figure 2). The kinetoplast is small andprevious to the posterior end. The undulating membrane is well developed andthe free flagellum is one-sixth to one-third the length of the body. T.minasense is not pathogenic, but it can be found in mixed infections withT. cruzi (Baker, 1972; Toft, 1986; Wolff, 1990).

Trypanosoma rangeli is larger than T. cruzi, approximately 26-36um long, with the nucleus located toward the anterior region and kinetoplastsmall and subterminal (Figure 3). The infective stage is found in thesalivary glands of the vector and is inoculated into the host by the sting.The vectors are members of the family Rediviidae. Apparently it is notpathogenic for primates (Baker, 1972; Toft, 1986; Wolff, 1990).

Trypanosoma saimirii and T. diasi are similar in theirmorphological and biological features, and resemble T. minasense. T.saimirii is 19-29 um long, with a flagellum extending 6-9 um from the end.The kinetoplast is relatively small and is located 5 um from the posterior end.T. diasi is 33-36 um long with a free flagellum extending 7-9 um fromthe end. Apparently they are not pathogenic for primates (Baker, 1972; Toft,1986; Wolff, 1990).

Trypanosoma lambrechti is 30-43 um long, including a free flagellum ofabout 11-12 um (Figure 4). It is easily differentiated from the rest oftripanosoma because of the marked posterior position of the nucleus (Baker,1972; Toft, 1986; Wolff, 1990).

Diagnosis of all these hemoflagellates is performed by examining blood smearswith a light microscope. There are no effective treatment strategies;preventive measures are based on control of the insect vector (Flynn, 1973;Wolff, 1990).

Leishmania brasiliensis: complex members have been reported inPanamanian Saguinus geoffroyi and Aotus trivirgatus (Brack,1987). These intracellular microorganisms are rounded (1-3 um), ovoid, orelongated (2-4 um by 1.5-2.5 um) (Figure 5). The cytoplasm ishom*ogeneous, but often with minute vacuoles; the nucleus is often large andirregular; the blepharoplast stains more deeply. The number of parasites in ahost cell varies from a few to 100 (Kudo, 1977). Oral and nasal mucousmembrane ulcerations are observed. Diagnosis is made by observing theparasites microscopically in lesion scrapings (Kudo, 1977). These parasitesare transmitted by Phlebotomus and Lutzomyia insects (sandflies),but nonhuman primates are not considered to play an important role in the lifecycles of the American Leishmania species (Brack, 1987).

Figures 6-11: Flagellata.

Chilomastix mesnili is a pyriform enteric flagellate whose cystic stageis shaped like a lemon. The trophozoite has a diagonal cleft, nucleus inanterior position, three anterior flagella and a short undulating fourth. Itis about 6-24 um long by 3-10 um wide (Figure 6). The cyst is 6.5-10 umlong (Figure 7). Infection occurs by ingesting the cyst. It is not pathogenicfor primates unless the host is heavily infected (Burrows, 1972; Flynn, 1973;Toft, 1986).

Pentatrichom*onas hominis is pyriform, 8-20 um long by 3-14 um wide(Figures 8 and 9). Usually it has five anterior flagella but in some cases canhave four or even only three. It is not pathogenic for monkeys (Brady et al.,1988; Burrows, 1972; Flynn, 1973; Toft, 1986).

Trichom*onas hominis resembles P. hominis, and is characterized bythe presence of 4 free flagella and an undulating membrane bordered by aflagellum that is free posteriorly. It has a vesicle-like nucleus located inthe anterior end. There are no known cystic stages. The trophozoite is 5-15um. Infection of the host is by the oral route (Brady et al., 1988; Burrows,1972; Flynn, 1973; Toft, 1986).

Giardia lamblia is shaped like a tennis racket without a handle. Thetrophozoite is 5-15 um long, has two nuclei, 8 flagella (4 lateral, 2 ventraland 2 caudal), and two axostyles (Figure 10). A sucking disc in the anteriorventral face allows the parasite to attach to the intestinal mucosa (Kudo,1977). The cyst is oval with 4 nuclei, usually located in a pole, axostyles,and remains of flagella (Figure 11). The cyst is the infectious form;infection occurs by the oral route (Kudo, 1977). It is reported toproduce diarrhea in monkeys (Burrows, 1972; Flynn, 1973; Toft, 1986). Diagnosisis performed by microscopic observation of the parasites in fecalspecimens. Treatment is Metronidazole (35-50 mg/k/day BID for 10 days).

 ------------------------------ Trypanosoma cruzi Trypanosoma sanmartini Trypanosoma minasense Trypanosoma rangeli Trypanosoma saimirii Trypanosoma diasi Trypanosoma lambrechti Leishmania brasiliensis Chilomastix mesnili Chilomastix spp. Pentatrichom*onas hominis Trichom*onas hominis Giardia lamblia Giardia spp. ------------------------------

Table 1: Flagellata parasites reported in neotropical primates.


The parasites of this group are less frequently observed than Flagellata inneotropical primates. However, several species of intestinal amoebas have beenreported, suggesting the possibility of cross-infections in captive primates(Table 2).

Entamoeba histolytica. The trophozoite (Figure 12) measures15-20 um, but the invasive forms are larger. E. histolytica makeprogressive movements by means of ectoplasmic pseudopoda. The nucleus hascyst-like form. It presents fine nuclear chromatin, uniformly distributed, anda small endosome, almost always centrally located. The invasive forms cancontain red blood cells in their cytoplasm. Precystic uninucleated forms witha great central vacuole surrounded by chromatoid bodies (Figure 13) orpre-cystic forms containing 2 nuclei and rod-shaped chromatoid bodies(Figure 14) are sometimes observed. The mature cyst (Figure 15),which is the infectious form, measures 12-15 um in diameter and has 4 nucleiwith the same characteristics as those of the trophozoite (Kudo, 1977; Flynn,1973). It reproduces by binary fission. The host is infected by ingestingmature, tetranucleated, cysts (Flynn, 1973). Pathogenicity varies with theparasite strain, nutritional condition of the host, environmental factors, andthe enteric bacterial flora (Kudo, 1977). Primates of the New World are moresusceptible than those of the Old World. Clinically, diarrhea and sometimesdysentery are observed. Chronic colitis, congestion, petechial hemorrhages,and sores occur (Burrows, 1972). The amoebas invade the mucous membrane,forming small colonies that then extend to the submucosa and occasionally tothe muscularis mucosae. They produce typical sores in the form of a bottlewhich vary in size from a few millimeters to large sections of the colon due tothe confluence of the lesions. The trophozoites occasionally penetrate to themesenteric veins and are carried via blood to the liver, lungs, brain, andother organs where they cause abcesses (Flynn, 1973, Toft, 1986, Wolff, 1990).Diagnosis is done by microscopic identification of the organism in the feces orin the lesions. Metronidazole (35-50 mg/k/day BID for 5-10 days) orParomomicine (25-30 mg/k/day BID for 5-10 days) (Wolff, 1990) are recommendedfor treatment.

Figures 12-27: Sarcodina.

Entamoeba chattoni. The trophozoite measures 9-25 um and contains onlyone nucleus with variable characteristics (Figures 16 and 17).The cyst measures 6-18 um and has one nucleus with variable characteristics(Figures 18 and 19). This parasite is found in the cecum andcolon. It is not known if it is pathogenic (Burrows, 1972; Flynn, 1973, Toft,1986).

Iodamoeba butschlii measures 12-15 um; the trophozoite (Figure20) has a vesicle-like nucleus, without nuclear chromatin and with a largeendosome surrounded by refractile granules difficult to visualize. The cyst(Figures 21, 22 and 23), measures 10-12 um. It can be ovoid,ellipsoidal, or triangular with a great well-defined glucogenic vacuole. Thisstage is the infective form, which enters the host by the oral route. It isfound in the cecum and colon. It is not pathogenic (Burrows, 1972; Flynn,1973, Toft, 1986).

Endolimax nana. A small amoeba, the trophozoite (Figures 24 and25) measures 2-10 um and the cyst (Figures 26 and 27), 6-8um. The nucleus lacks chromatin, but the endosome is large and irregular. Thecyst, which is the infectious form, is generally tetranucleated. It affectsthe cecum and colon. It is not pathogenic (Burrows, 1972; Flynn, 1973, Toft,1986).

Diagnosis of these amoebiases is done by identifying the cysts by fecal smearmicroscopic examination. The recommended treatment is Metronidazole (35-50mg/k/day BID for 5-10 days) or Paromomicine (25-30 mg/k/day BID for 5-10 days)(Wolff, 1990).

 ------------------------------ Entamoeba histolytica Entamoeba chattoni Iodamoeba butschlii Endolimax nana Endolimax spp. ------------------------------

Table 2: Sarcodina parasites reported in neotropical primates.


Sarcocystis spp. The cysts are found in skeletal and cardiac muscle.They are cylindrical, ellipsoidal, or irregular in structure. The trophozoitesare banana-shaped with the anterior end slightly sharp and the posterior endrounded (Kudo, 1977). They vary in size according to species. An incidence of16% infection has been reported in callitrichidae at one laboratory (Flynn,1973). Animals are infected by ingesting trophozoites embedded in musculartissue or free in the feces (Figure 28). The trophozoites cross theintestinal barrier, enter the blood stream, and migrate to the striated musclewhere they are encysted (Figure 29). They divide by binary fission orby schizogonia in trophoblasts surrounded by a cystic wall, continue dividingby binary fission, and then change to trophozoites. As the cyst ages, thetrophozoites in the center degenerate and disappear. Once the cyst matures,the wall disintegrates and the trophozoites are released. These migratethrough the blood stream to the digestive tract where they are eliminated withthe feces (Soulsby, 1987). They are relatively nonpathogenic and do notproduce clinical signs. The parasite destroys only the cell it occupies andcan produce atrophy by compression of the adjacent cells (Baker, 1972; King,1976; Toft, 1986). Diagnosis is by microscopic identification of thecharacteristic cyst (Flynn, 1973). There is no known treatment.

Figures 28-38: Sporozoa.

Cryptosporidium spp. have been reported in the Saimiri monkey(Brack, 1987). It is a small coccidian parasite of poor host specificity. Itinhabits the villous border of the enterocyte, mainly of the small intestine.It develops within the microvilliar region but not within the cell. An asexualschizogony is followed by a sexual gametogony; the fertilized macrogametesdevelop in oocysts 2-6 um in diameter which are eliminated with the feces; theyare infectious (Figure 30). The oocysts possess four sporozoiteswithout sporocysts (Melvin & Healy, 1985; Soulsby, 1987). Clinically theyproduce diarrhea in juvenile or immunodeficient individuals (Acha &Szyfres, 1989). Histologically, neutrophilic infiltration, mainly of thedistal portion of the small intestine with thickening, fusion, and flatteningof the villiae, as well as necrosis and sloughing of enterocytes, occurs.Similar lesions have been observed occasionally in the walls of the gallbladderduct and pancreatic duct (Brack, 1987). Diagnosis is by observing themicroorganisms in the feces through phase-contrast microscopy or specialstains (Kynjoun modified acid-fast or Auramine), or in histologic sections ofsmall intestine dyed with Giemsa or Toluidine Blue (Acha & Szyfres, 1989;Brack, 1987; Soulsby, 1987). No treatment is known at present.

Isospora arctopitheci. The oocysts are ellipsoidal, measuring 25.5-30.5by 23-25.5 um, with smooth walls and no residual body (Figure 31).Sporulation requires 48 hours. The ellipsoidal sporocysts measure 15 by 10 umand contain four elongated sporozoites (Burrows, 1972). The monkey is infectedby ingesting oocysts that have been eliminated with the feces; the sporozoitesare then freed. They enter the epithelial intestinal cells where the schizontis formed. This contains merozoites that become macro- and microgametocytesthat join to form the zygote. The zygote forms a wall, is converted into anoocyst and is eliminated with the feces. They have been reported inwild-caught callitrichids (Burrows, 1972). The infection is extremely rare.Symptoms range from mild diarrhea to dysentery, anorexia, weight loss,eosinophilia, anemia, and, occasionally, death. The ileum is mainly affected,with inflammation and hemorrhage. The mucous membrane is swollen, presentingulceration and sloughing. Diagnosis is based on recognition of the oocysts inthe feces. There is no treatment.

Plasmodium brasilianum is reported as extremely pathogenic in Cebidaeand Callitrichidae, producing anemia, fever (quartan malaria), hepatic andsplenetic enlargement, depression, and death. This parasite is similar toP. malariae of man. It is thought to be a mutant variety of P.malariae which was introduced by explorers in the Amazon basin region.Schizogony occurs every 72 hours. The schizonts are in the form of a band andthe merozoites number 8-10 (Figures 32 and 33). The gametocytesare round and small. The vector is a mosquito of the Anopheles genus(Brack, 1987; Dunn & Lambrecht, 1963; Voller, 1972). Diagnosis is made byobservation of the parasite in blood smears with a light microscope.Recommended treatment is Cloroquine phosphate (10 mg/k IM, followed by 5 mg/kat 6 hours, then 5 mg/k/day for two days) and Primaquine (0.3 mg/k/day for 14days) (Wolff, 1990).

Plasmodium simium has been reported in Alouatta andBrachyteles from Brazil. Schizogony occurs every 48 hours. Theschizonts have an amoeboid form; the merozoites number 15-30 (Figures 34and 35). The gametocytes are large and solid. It is believed that thiskind of malaria corresponds to P. ovale or to P. vivax of humanorigin that has adapted to the monkey (Brack, 1987).

Toxoplasma gondii has been reported as spontaneously infecting Cebidaeand Callitrichidae. The definitive hosts are feline; sexual reproductionoccurs in the domestic cat. The resulting oocysts (Figure 36) areeliminated with the feces. When they mature, they infect various vertebrates,such as the monkey, by the oral route (Kudo, 1977). The oocysts measure 10-14um by 10-12 um. They are indistinguishable from those of Isosporabigemina. The infection can also be acquired by eating poorly cooked meatfrom other intermediary hosts containing cysts of the parasite or, indirectly,congenitally (Flynn, 1973). The extracellular trophozoites (tachizoites) havea banana shape and measure 4-8 um by 2-4 um with a broadened end in which thenucleus is found (Figure 37). The intracellular trophozoites(bradyzoites) vary in form but usually are almost rounded and are found in thecytoplasm of the invaded cell. The cysts are formed in various organ cells,are spherical, and contain a great quantity of bradyzoites (Flynn, 1973;Krogstad et al., 1985; Figure 38). It is believed that primates can getinfected in their natural habitat as well as in captivity. The disease isreported to be extremely pathogenic (Brack, 1987; King, 1976; Seibold &Wolf, 1971; Toft, 1986; Wolff, 1990). Clinical signs are anorexia,neurological symptoms, and diarrhea. Diagnosis is made through serology and/orobservation of the parasite on histologic sections. Sulfadiazine (120 mg/k),Pirimetamine (1 mg/k) and Clindamicine (10-40 mg/k/day distributed in 3-4 equaldoses) are recommended for treatment (Wolff, 1990).

Encephalitozoon cuniculi (=Nosema cuniculi). The trophozoites arestraight or slightly bent rod shapes; they measure 2-4 um by 1.2-2.5 um, withan eccentric nucleus. The pseudocysts contain 100 or more trophozoites and arefound in nerve cells, macrophages, and other cells. Unlike T. gondii,they do not possess a cystic wall (Flynn, 1973). They multiply by schizogonia.Little is known about the transmission mechanism. Congenital infection occurs.The microorganism is excreted in urine. It usually does not cause clinicalsymptoms, but encephalitis and nephritis have been observed in the rabbit anddog (Flynn, 1973). It occasionally produces microgranulomas in brain andcerebellum, perivascular cuffing, focal infiltration, and mild meningitis.Granulomas and lymphocytic infiltrations are occasionally observed in the heartand kidney (Flynn, 1973). In primates, its pathogenicity is not known (Baker,1972; Toft, 1986). Diagnosis is made by microscopic identification of thelesions and the microorganism (Flynn, 1973). No treatment is known.

Haemobartonella spp. Described in Saimiri monkeys in captivitywith normocytic and normochromic anemia (Adams et al., 1984). It is classifiedas an obligated prokaryotic hemotrophic parasite, member of the familyAnaplasmataceae, order Rickettsiae. They are spherical organisms 230-330 nm indiameter, present alone or in groups, indented deeply in the plasmatic membraneof the erythrocyte (Adams et al., 1984; Peters et al., 1974). They infect awide variety of animals. The infections usually are clinically asymptomatic.Diagnosis is made by observation of the microorganisms in blood smears dyedwith Giemsa (they are observed as basophilic dottings in the surface of theinfected erythrocyte) and confirmed through electron microscopy (Adams et al.,1984). Neither pathogenicity nor treatment is known.

Eperythrozoon spp. have been described in a splenectomized Aotusmonkey (Peters et al., 1974). It is similar morphologically toHaemobartonella spp. but, unlike the latter, it is found poorly adheredto the erythrocyte and occasionally free in the plasma (Peters et al., 1974).Diagnosis is accomplished as above. Treatment is not known.

 ------------------------------ Sarcocystis spp. Cryptosporidium spp. Isospora arctopitheci Isospora callimico Plasmodium brasilianum Plasmodium simium Toxoplasma gondii Encephalitozoon cuniculi Haemobartonella spp. Eperythrozoon spp. ------------------------------

Table 3: Sporozoa parasites reported in neotropical primates.


Only one Ciliata species, Balantidium coli, is mentioned inneotropical monkeys in the literature. It affects Alouatta, Ateles andCebus.

Figures 39-40: Ciliata.

Balantidium coli is the largest protozoan parasite: the trophozoitemeasures 40-70 um (Figure 39) and the cyst 50-55 microns (Figure40). The trophozoite is ovoid and covered by cilia, with an attenuated endwhere the cytostome opens. The cytopyge is found on the opposite end. It hastwo nuclei, the larger (macronucleus) with a kidney-like form and the smaller(micronucleus) difficult to visualize. The infective form is the cyst, whichenters the organism by the oral route (Burrows, 1972; Flynn, 1973). It may ormay not be associated with diarrhea. In severe cases it produces ulcerativecolitis (Brack, 1987; Toft, 1986). Diagnosis is made through observation bylight microscope of the cysts in fresh fecal smears. Metronidazole (35-50mg/k/BID for 5-10 days) is recommended for treatment (Wolff, 1990).


Acha, P. N. & Szyfres, B. (1989). Zoonoses and Communicable DiseasesCommon to Man and Animals. 2nd Ed. Scientific Publication No. 503.Washington, DC: Pan American Health Organization.

Adams, M. R., Lewis, J. C., & Bullock, B. C. (1984). Hemobartonellosis inSquirrel Monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) in a Domestic Breeding Colony: CaseReport and Preliminary Study. Lab Animal Science, 34[1], 82-85.

Baker, J. R. (1972). Protozoa of Tissue and Blood. In R. N. T.-W.-Fiennes,(Ed.) Pathology of Simian Primates, Part II: Infectious and ParasiticDiseases (pp. 29-56). New York: S. Karger.

Brack, M. (1987). Agents Transmissible from Simians to Man. Berlin:Springer-Verlag.

Brady, A. G., Pindak, F. F., Abee, C. R., & Gardner, W. A., Jr. (1988).Enteric Trichom*onads of Squirrel Monkeys (Saimiri spp.): NaturalInfestation and Treatment. American Journal of Primatology, 14, 65-71.

Burrows, R. B. (1972). Protozoa of the Intestinal Tract. In R. N.T.-W.-Fiennes, (Ed.) Pathology of Simian Primates, Part II: Infectious andParasitic Diseases (pp. 2-28). New York: S. Karger.

Dunn, F. L. & Lambrecht, F. L. (1963). The hosts of Plasmodiumbrasilianum, Gonder and von Berenberg-Gossler, 1908. Journal ofParasitology, 49, 316-319.

Dunn, F. L., Lambrecht, F. L., & du Plessis, R. (1963). Trypanosomes ofSouth American monkeys and marmosets. American Journal of Tropical Medicineand Hygiene, 12, 524-534.

Flynn, R. J. (1973). Parasites of Laboratory Animals. Ames, IA: IowaState University Press.

King, N. W. (1976). Synopsis of the pathology of New World monkeys. InFirst Inter-American Conference on Conservation and Utilization of AmericanNonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research (pp. 169-198). ScientificPublication No. 317. Washington, DC: Pan American Health Organization.

Krogstad, D., Visvesvara, G., Walls, K. W., & Smith, J. W. (1985). Bloodand Tissue Protozoa. In E. H. Lennette, A. Balows, W. J. Hausler, Jr., & H.J. Shadomy (Eds), Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 4th Ed. (pp.612-630). Washington, DC: American Society for Microbiology.

Kudo, R. R. (1977). Protozoology, 5th Ed. Springfield, IL: Charles C.Thomas Publishers.

Melvin, D. M. & Healy, G. R. (1985). Intestinal and Urogenital Protozoa. InE. H. Lennette, A. Balows, W. J. Hausler, Jr., & H. J. Shadomy (Eds),Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 4th Ed. (pp. 631-650). Washington, DC:American Society for Microbiology.

Peters, W., Molyneux, D. H., & Howells, R. E. (1974). Eperythrozoonand Haemobartonella in monkeys. Annals of Tropical Medicine andParasitology, 68, 47-50.

Seibold, H. R. & Wolf, R. H. (1971). Toxoplasmosis in Aotustrivirgatus and Callicebus moloch. Lab Animal Science, 21,118.

Soulsby, E. J. L. (1987). Parasitología y enfermedades parasitariasen los animales domésticos. 7ma ed., México D.F.: NuevaEditorial Interamericana S.A.

Toft, J. D., II. (1986). The pathoparasitology of nonhuman primates: A review.In K. Benirschke (Ed.) Primates: The Road to Self-Sustaining Populations(pp. 571-679). New York: Springer-Verlag.

Voller, A. (1972). Plasmodium and Hepatocystis. In R. N. T.-W.-Fiennes, (Ed.).Pathology of Simian Primates, Part II: Infectious and Parasitic Diseases(pp. 57-75). New York: S. Karger.

Wolff, P. L. (1990). The Parasites of New World Primates: A Review.Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, 87-94.

First author's address: Editorial Assistant, NAMRID, Unit Number 3800,American Embassy, APO AA 34031.

We thank Mr. Ramón Córdova for preparing the illustrations thatare presented in this article and Mr. Walter Griebenow for editing theillustrations on the computer.

This study was supported by Walter Reed Army Inst. of Research work unit no.EN241204 63302A .810FH 1531.

The opinions and assertions contained herein are the private ones of theauthors and are not to be construed as official or reflecting the views of theDept of the Navy or the Peruvian Government.

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Sexual Maturity and Seasonal Reproduction in Captive Cebusapella

Exequiel M. Patiño, Juan T. Borda, and Julio C. Ruiz
Centro Argentino de Primates (CAPRIM)


Cebus apella is a primate with wide distribution in South America. Itis found from Colombia and northeastern Brazil to northern Argentina andsoutheastern Brazil (Brown & Colillas, 1983). In Argentina it lives in theprovinces of Misiones, Salta, and Jujuy (Chalukian, 1985).

In the forest, this species lives in social groups composed of one to fouradult and subadult males and one to four females of reproductive age with theiryoung. A definite seasonality in its reproductive cycle is seen (Janson,1984).

In order to establish breeding groups in captivity, starting with wild monkeysof unknown age, we must find parameters that will permit us to determine themonkeys' reproductive capability (Patiño et al., 1981). One of the mostimportant factors to consider with Cebus apella is the age of onset ofreproduction, since the majority of wild-caught animals are juveniles (Nagle& Denari, 1982b).

In the present paper we determine criteria for reproductive maturity anddocument seasonal breeding behavior in Cebus apella born and maintainedin outdoor cages.

Subjects, Materials, and Methods

The Primate Center of Argentina (CAPRIM) has a colony of Cebus apellawhich was founded with 47 monkeys imported from Paraguay during the years1975-1980. In 1989-1990 more monkeys were added, both from Paraguay and fromMisiones Province in Argentina, the majority of them juvenile and infant males.At present (1996) our colony consists of 78 individuals (48 males and 30females), of which 28 have been born in captivity.

The monkeys are kept in 15m3 outdoor cages, in harems consisting of one malewith two to three adult females, or in groups consisting of three to fourjuveniles or subadults. The monkeys are fed commercial pellets (Cargill &reg.)with a minimum protein content of 25%, seasonal fruits, and water adlibitum.

Reproductive maturity was established on the basis of chronological age (trueage of those born in captivity, estimated age in the case of the wild-caughtmonkeys); body weight; testicular volume (V = 3/4(pi)ab2); dentition; pregnancy(determined by manual palpation of the abdomen); and signs of having previouslygiven birth (tearing of the vulva and pigmentation of the mammillae).

In order to determine whether reproduction was seasonal, we recorded thedates of all births between 1989 and 1995.


Figure 1: Body weight and sexual maturity of Cebus apella born atCAPRIM.

Body weight and its relation to sexual maturity: Young born at CAPRIMand weighed immediately after birth (n=10) had body weights averaging 204 +/- 15g, the males weighing 208 +/- 8 g (n=5), and the females weighing 200 +/- 21 g(n=5).

In females, body weight increased steadily after birth until the age of fiveyears, after which it reached a plateau. In contrast, the males' body weightincreased continuously until they were seven years old (see Figure 1).

Three females, all born at CAPRIM, became pregnant for the first time whenthey were between 6 and 7 years old (Figure 1), with body weightsaveraging 2017 +/- 293 g, and full dentition (I 2/2; C 1/1; PM 3/3; M 3/3).After their first delivery tearing of the vulva and pigmentation of themammillae were observed.

The wild-caught females at CAPRIM (n=13) became pregnant when they had bodyweights averaging 2068 +/- 201 g. The average body weight of both groups offemales (captive-born and wild-caught) was 2039 +/- 202 g.

Paternity has been verified in one captive-born male so far: He was 84months old (Figure 1), with body weight of 3600 g, testicular volume of4067 mm3, and complete dentition (I 2/2; C 1/1; PM 3/3; M 3/3).

The wild-caught males (n = 4) produced verified pregnancies at CAPRIM withages estimated at no younger than 7 years, body weights averaging 3775 +/- 179g, and testicular volumes of 3028 +/- 626 mm3.

These ages and weights for CAPRIM's males and females with verified sexualmaturity are similar to those described by Nagle & Denari (1982a) forclassifying Cebus apella as fully adult. These authors state thatCebus apella is never sexually mature before 6 or 7 years of age, withweights of 2.0 to 2.8 kg for females and 2.7 to 3.8 kg for males.

Figure 2: Seasonal births of Cebus apella at CAPRIM.

Seasonal reproduction: Between 1989 and 1995, we recorded 36 births,at all times of the year, but with a definite concentration of births (83%)between the months of September and February (that is, in spring and summer)(Figure 2). The reproductive season (the season with the most sexualactivity) lasted from March until August, that is, in autumn and winter. Thisis similar to what Colillas (1986) and Zunino (1990) observed in outdoor cages,and to what has been described for monkeys living in the wild by Janson(1984).

Although Cebus apella does not show seasonal breeding under controlledambient conditions (i.e., in indoor colonies with lighting, etc., that does notchange seasonally) but produces births throughout the year (Nagle & Denari,1982b), it is a seasonal breeder both in the wild and in captivity when cagedoutdoors.


Brown, A. D. & Colillas, O. J. (1983). Ecología de Cebus apella.A Primatologia No Brasil. Anais 1 deg. Congresso Brasileiro dePrimatologia, 301-312. Belo Horizonte, Brasil.

Chalukian, S. C. (1985). Comportamiento Alimentario de Cebus apellaParaguayanus en el Parque Nacional el Rey, Salta. BoletínPrimatológico Argentino 3[1], 15-26.

Colillas, O. J. (1986). Biología Reproductiva en PrimatesNeotropicales. Boletín Primatológico Argentino, 4 [l],96-117.

Janson, C. H. (1984) Female Choice and Mating System of the Brown CapuchinMonkey Cebus apella (Primates: Cebidae). Zeitschrift fürTierpsychologie, 65, 177-200.

Nagle, C. A. & Denari, J. H. (1982a). The Reproductive Biology of CapuchinMonkeys. International Zoo Yearbook 22, 143-150.

Nagle, C. A. & Denari, J. H. (1982b). The Cebus Monkey (Cebus apella).In J. Hearn (Ed.), Reproduction in New World Primates: New Models inMedical Science (pp. 39-67). Lancaster, England: MTP Press Ltd.

Patiño, E. M., Constantini, M. G., & Claver, J. C. (1981).Evolución de la Capacidad Reproductiva en Monos Cebus apella ySaimiri sciureus. Resúmenes Quintas Jornadas Veterinarias de Corrientes(p. 16). Corrientes, Argentina: Facultad de Ciencias Veterinariasdel Universidad Nacional de la Nordeste..

Zunino, G. E. (1990). Reproducción y Mortalidad de Saimiriboliviensis y Cebus apella en Cautiverio. BoletínPrimatológico Latinoamericano, 2[1], 23-28.

Authors' address: Centro Argentino de Primates (CAPRIM), Consejo Nacional deInvestigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). C. C. 145(3400) Corrientes, Argentina.

This study was supported in part by Secretaría de Ciencia yTécnica (SECYT), Univ. Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE).

* * *

Influence of Cage Size and Cage Equipment on Physiology and Behavior ofCommon Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)

Jens Kerl and Hartmut Rothe
Institute of Anthropology, University of Göttingen


Laboratory studies on the biology and behavior of the common marmoset(Callithrix jacchus) have sometimes revealed widely different results.For example, Tardif et al. (1986) and Rothe et al. (1993) report that theeldest son of a marmoset family contributes most of all non-reproductive groupmembers to infant-carrying, whereas Box (1977) and Ingram (1977) observed theeldest daughter occupying this position. Furthermore, in the marmoset colonyof Johnson et al. (1991), only 33.3% of the adult females got pregnant in thefirst or second ovarian cycle after being paired, compared to 89.0% of ourC. jacchus females (König et al., 1990). And finally, according toJohnson et al. (1991), 11.1% of the infants born to primiparous females havebeen viable compared to 60.0% in our colony (Rothe et al., 1992).

There are no standards for housing common marmosets in the laboratory, exceptfor a few parameters like room temperature, relative humidity, and thelight/dark cycle. In order to quantify the possible influence of someenvironmental conditions on the physiology and behavior of common marmosetskept under laboratory conditions, an experimental design was developed toinvestigate the correlation between these parameters and variation in (1) cagesize, (2) cage equipment, and (3) group size. A first pilot study,investigating the influence of cage size and cage equipment on the behavior ofa pair of common marmosets, was carried out from January to April 1995 byrecording the behavior as well as the telemetrically transmitted heart rate(HR) of both animals.

Animals and Methods

The animals were taken from social units of our Callithrix jacchuscolony. They were adult at that time (female: 24.1 months; male: 16.3 months),completely socialized, and experienced in infant rearing. HR-transmitters wereimplanted in their abdominal cavities and they were paired just before thebeginning of the pilot study. In order to keep the environment for the animalsas stable as possible, the experimental cages were always installed at the sameplace in the experimental room. In order to reduce stress caused by catchingand transporting the animals, they were taught to use a wire-mesh tube to moveto a second cage in the neighboring room after each experiment. The three testcages varied in size but were identical in shape (small cage: 1.3 x 1.3 x 1.95m; medium sized: 1.95 x 1.95 x 2.93 m; large: 2.6 x 2.6 x 3.9 m). Twodifferent sets of cage equipment were used: (1) standard (one feedingshelf, one sleeping box, one (small cage) to eight (large cage) sittingshelves, several fixed and swinging perches); (2) enriched (morethan one feeding shelf, more than one sleeping box, fixed perches, naturaltwigs, wooden screens partially blocking the view so the animals cannot see theentire environment without moving about, free swinging ropes, cage floorcovered with a 10 cm layer of woodchips).

Figure 1: Experimental room and home cages. (very large file)

The animals were housed for 12 days under each of the six conditions. Inorder to measure space utilization, each cage was divided into units of 65 x 65x 65 cm (small cage: 12 "cells"; middle-sized: 45 cells: large: 96 cells).

The system for collecting behavioral data for up to 10 animals consists of adigitizer-board (DB), with headphones and an electronic mouse-pen, and apersonal computer with a serial input. The program allows scan or focal animalsampling and instantaneous or one/zero sampling (Martin & Bateson, 1993).

The 8-channel HR telemetry system enables simultaneous recording from up toeight animals. The single telemetry units (one for each animal) are based on asystem that was originally developed and published by Stoehr (1988), modifiedby adding a demultiplexing unit.

The circuit of the ECG transmitter allows adjustment of the radiated frequencyin a wide range of the UHF radio band. A theoretically unlimited number oftransmitters can operate simultaneously without interference, per-mittingsimultaneous recording of data from all animals in the same cage or enclosure.The range of transmission is 5 m. An operating life of up to 5 months requiresa battery of 110 mA-hours' capacity, weighing 1.71g. The weight of the wholetransmitter (21.6 15.3 6.1 mm) is 3.14 g. The transmitter is embedded in abeeswax-paraffin mixture and encased in dental acrylic that causes noirritation of the surrounding tissue of the abdomen.

Technical details of signal processing can be obtained from theauthors.


Space utilization: Under all conditions the animals, which are arborealin the wild, spent most of their time in the upper cage. When the floor of thesmall cage was covered with woodchips the female, but not the male, spent moretime in the lowest cells (z-test; p < 0.05) than during otherconditions. In the middle-sized and large cages the male, but not the female,spent less time in the lowest cells (both p < 0.01) when thefloor was covered with woodchips.

In the standard cages, no correlations were found between the location ofequipment (sleeping box, feeding shelf, sitting shelf) and preferred cagecells. In the enriched situation there was a clear preference for cellscontaining certain items (z-test; p < 0.05).

In the standard cage, the female preferred not to feed at the feeding shelf.Transportable food (offered on five days per week) was always picked up fromthe feeding shelf and eaten on the opposite side of the cage. In the enrichedcages there was always a feeding shelf in the same location as in the standardcage, but it was seldom used. In all enriched cages the animals preferred asleeping-box located in a different cell than in the standard cages.

Behavior: For both animals, resting behavior was clearly reduced(z-test; p < 0.01), while locomotor (p < 0.01) andexploring (p < 0.01) behavior increased in the enriched cages.Autogrooming and feeding did not change at all. The male's, but not thefemale's, scent-marking frequency increased in the enriched situation (p< 0.05). Allogrooming was shown more often in the enriched cages by thefemale (p < 0.01) while it was clearly reduced in the male (p< 0.01).

Heart rate: Mean night heart rate (NHR) was lowered with increasingcage size and seemed to be independent of cage equipment. Incage 6 (large enriched) an unusually high mean NHR (226.44 beats/min-ute) wasrecorded, though we had expected that it would be the same (167 bpm) as in cage3 (large standard). However, several copulations were observed in this cage(the female gave birth to twins 5 months later), so this increase of mean NHRwas probably influenced by the male's sexual activity. Therefore this resultwas excluded from the analysis.

The mean daytime heart rate (DHR) increased with increasing cage size for thestandard cages. This was expected because of the increased options forlocomotor behavior. Most interesting, however, is the complete lack of anychanges of mean DHR between the largest standard cage and the smallest enrichedcage. From this we conclude that the enriched small cage (cage 4) apparentlyelicits as much activity as the eight-times-larger standard cage (cage 3).Enlarging the enriched cage volume had no effect on the mean DHR.

Because each animal has a minimum HR (during sleep), the effect ofenvironmental change should best be measurable when this minimum HR iseliminated from the calculations. Differences were calculated between the meanday HR and the mean night HR (DDN = DHR minus NHR, see Figure 8) foreach condition. In cage 1 (small standard) a small DDN was found, the resultof low activity by day and a rather high NHR. Due to a higher DHR and a lowerNHR the DDN was greater in cage 2 (middle-sized standard; 58.59 bpm). Thelargest DDN (76.52 bpm) was recorded for cage 3 (large standard), in which theNHR was lowest and the DHR was highest, apparently due to high activity.

In cage 4 (small enriched) a high DHR and a high NHR led to a DDN that wassmaller than that in cage 3, but still twice that for the same-sized standardcage 1 (61.49 bpm). In cage 5 (middle-sized enriched) the DDN was also higherthan that in cage 2 (68.98 bpm). Apparently due to the high sexual activitythere was nearly no difference between the DHR and NHR in cage 6 (largeenriched). In summary, DDN is a good measure of the effects on HR ofcombinations of cage size and equipment.

Figure 2: Differences between day- and night-heart rates under each of 6 conditions.


Space utilization: The results of this study, although limited by thesmall number of subjects, allow three important conclusions about the housingof common marmosets in the laboratory: 1) The attractiveness of any given cageequipment (sleeping box, feeding-shelf, resting-shelf) is largely dependent onthe rest of the environment inside and outside of the cage and cannot beconsidered a constant.

2) The place where the feeding-device is mounted may not be where the animalsprefer to feed. The feeding behavior of the female showed that the randomlychosen site for installing a single feeding-shelf in the standard cage was notacceptable to her. For adequate housing of marmosets one should test the bestsite for installing a feeding device. One can offer several sites, letting theanimals choose their favorite. When a preferred site is found the additionaldevices can be removed. Since the preferred location may change over time,perhaps due to the influence of neighboring animals or seasonal changes, thistest should be repeated regularly.

3) The place where the animals prefer to rest may not be the location wherethe sleeping-box is mounted. Caine et al. (1992) have shown for Saguinuslabiatus a clear preference for the highest point of the cage. They alsotested different types of sleeping boxes and observed a preference for acompletely closed type with only one entrance-hole. In the standard cages ofour study the single sleeping box was fastened in the middle of one side of thecage. In our enriched cages identical boxes were installed in the sameposition; additional boxes were installed on the cage sides near the window andthe entrance of the room, respectively. The animals showed a clear preferencefor those sleeping-boxes from which the room entrance could be observed. Thus,the best place for the sleeping-box should also be tested empirically.

Behavior: In agreement with data provided by Chamove (1989) forCallitrichids and by Molzen & French (1989) for Leontopithecusrosalia, our animals rested less (male: 33.0% -> 24.3%) and exploredmore (male: 1.9% -> 6.9%) when kept in the enriched cages.

From the increasing locomotor and exploring behavior in the enriched cages onemight conclude that the observed shift in the time budget is towards a more"natural" one, since in most field reports the proportion of locomotion wasmuch higher than those of the animals in this study. On the other hand, thedecrease in resting may imply a shift to a less natural time-budget.When comparing these situations it should be clear what is meant by the term"resting". If it means only "the animal does not move," then even periods ofalertness would be included. Schnell (in press) observed a distinct reductionin locomotor behavior--even immobility--as well as tremendous stresstachycardia of about 450 bpm and a hypertonic arterial blood pressure (bothrecorded by telemetry) in his captive C. jacchus when an animal keeperwith catching-gloves entered the room. In this case "resting" would includemotionlessness but not relaxing.

From the rather good agreement among captive studies one can conclude that thecaptive environment produces a behavioral response that cannot be compared tothe field situation. Perhaps the lack of resting is an effect of the captivesituation itself (high population density) which cannot be overcome by offeringlarger or enriched cages.

Heartrate: The telemetric measurement of HR turned out to be a powerfultool for detecting the influence of environmental change on the behavior ofcommon marmosets. Stoehr (1988) reported on inanimate influences on the HR ofTupaia belangeri and (1986) revealed persistent influences of the socialenvironment on the HR of these animals by long-term HR-telemetry. Schnell (inpress) has observed shifts in the mean HR of Callithrix jacchus,depending on day of the week. Monday to Friday the telemetrically measured HRswere at a stable mean level, while they were lower on the weekend. Theseexamples show how HR-telemetry enables researchers to observe physiologicalresponses of the undisturbed animal that cannot be detected in a handledanimal.

The data of this pilot study demonstrate that it is necessary to collectHR-data during day and night. The mean HR by day probably reflects the amountof activity of the animal. In this study it increased with increasing cagesize in standard cages and remained stable in all enriched cages. This resultcan be interpreted as an indication that a sound amount of activity is reachedby offering enough space and/or complexity of environment. The NHR respondedonly to the parameter of cage size (physical space) and not to cage equipment(psychological space, sensu Chamove, 1989).

The difference between the DHR and NHR is a sensitive tool for measuringeffects of the inanimate environment. With the exception of Condition 6 (largecage, enriched equipment) there is an HR-difference for the combination of eachof the two tested parameters. Assuming that the field situation representsoptimum psychological well-being for animals, our results lead to theconclusion that the effectiveness of attempts to enrich the environment of theanimals can be determined by the difference between the DHR and NHR.Furthermore, this result indicates clear interdependencies between theinanimate environment and the physiological and behavioral response of theanimals. In the future, we may be able to better compare results obtained underdifferent housing conditions (as described in the Materials and Methodssections of published papers) if the mean NHR and the difference between theDHR and the NHR are included.


Box, H. O. (1977). Quantitative data on the carrying of young captive monkey(Callithrix jacchus) by other members of their family groups.Primates 18, 475-484.

Chamove, A. S. (1989). Environmental enrichment: A review. Animal Technology40[3], 155-178.

Caine, N. G., Potter, M. P, & Mayer, E. (1992). Sleeping site selection bycaptive tamarins (Saguinus labiatus). Ethology 90[1], 63 ff.

Ingram, J. C. (1977). Interactions between parents and infants, and thedevelopment of independence in the common marmoset. Animal Behaviour,25, 811-827.

Johnson, E. O., Kamilaris, T. C., Carter, S., Gold, P. W. & Chrousos, G. P.(1991). "Environmental stress" and reproductive success in the common marmoset(Callithrix jacchus jacchus). American Journal of Primatology, 25,191-201.

König, A, Radespiel, U., Siess, M., Rothe, H., & Darms, K. (1990).Analysis of pairing, parturition, and interbirth-intervals in a colony ofcommon marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Zeitschrift fürSäugetierkunde, 55, 308-314.

Martin, P. & Bateson, P. (1993). Measuring Behaviour. 2nd ed.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Molzen, E. M. & French, J. A. (1989). The problem of foraging in captivecallitrichid primates: Behavioural time budgets and foraging skills. pp. 89-101In E. F. Segal (Ed.), Housing, Care, and Psychological Well- being ofCaptive and Laboratory Primates. Park Ridge, NJ: Noyes Publications.

Rothe, H., Darms, K., & König, A. (1992). Sex ratio and mortality in alaboratory colony of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). LaboratoryAnimals, 26, 88-99.

Rothe, H., Darms, K., König, A., Radespiel, U., & Jünemann, B.(1993). Long-term study of infant-carrying behavior in captive common marmosets(Callithrix jacchus): Effect of nonreproductive helpers on parents'carrying performance. International Journal of Primatology, 14, 79-93.

Schnell, C. (in press) Marmoset telemetry: present applications and futurehighlights. In L. Scott & C. Price (eds.), Proceedings of theEUPREN/EMRG Winter Workshop 1995, 6-8 Dezember, Göttingen.

Stoehr, W. (1986). Heart rate of tree shrews and its persistent modification bysocial contact. In T. H. Schmidt, T. M. Dembrowski, & G. Bluemchen (Eds.).Biological and Psychological Factors in Cardiovascular Disease.Berlin und Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.

Stoehr, W. (1988). Longterm heartrate telemetry in small mammals: Acomprehensive approach as a prerequisite for valid results. Physiology &Behavior 43, 567-576.

Tardif, S. D., Carson, R. L. & Gangaware, B. L. (1986) Comparison of infantcare in family groups of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) andthe cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus). American Journal of Primatology,11, 103-110.

Authors' address: Institute of Anthropology, University of Göttingen,Ethologische Station Sennickerode, 37130 Gleichen, Germany [e-mail:[emailprotected]].

We wish to thank the following persons: Wolf Stoehr (Bayreuth) for his help intransmitter development, signal processor-construction, and surgical technique.Christian Schnell (Basel) for implantation of the transmitters and helpfulhints for the treatment of implanted animals. The veterinarians of the GermanPrimate Center (DPZ, Göttingen) for their help in the care of theimplanted animals. Manfred Glahe, Hans Badstuebner and Ullrich Conrad(Göttingen) for their great help in hardware development. Klaus and RalfUtermoehlen (Göttingen) for their help in construction of the antenna.Kerstin Schibat (Göttingen) for the provision of dental tools that turnedout to be a prerequisite for the construction of the transmitters. Fa. Siegert(Cadolzburg) and Fa. Roederstein (Landshut) for generous delivery of samples ofminiature electronic components.

Supported by a grant to Ro (DFG Ro 356/14-1).

* * *

Reston Strain Filovirus in Texas

Two cynomolgus monkeys were found positive for filovirus at HRP, Inc. inAlice, TX. The monkeys, part of a shipment of 100, were imported on March 21,1996. They had been in quarantine since arrival. The origin of the monkeys wasthe Philippines, and they were reportedly colony-raised. The supplier, FerliteScientific Research, Inc., was the source of the monkeys in the previousepisode of Reston filovirus at the Texas Primate Center in 1990 and at theReston facility in 1989. There have been no other shipments from this supplierto the United States in 1996.

On March 27, one monkey showed signs of illness, and died on March 30.Necropsy revealed a pneumonic process, and the liver was positive for Restonfilovirus by antigen capture. On April 10, a second animal became febrile and"off feed." Serum was found positive for Reston filovirus on April 13 and theanimal was sacrificed. As of April 17, no other monkeys had shown signs ofillness. Preliminary tests showed that the genetic sequence of the virus was"much more than 90 percent" identical with the Reston strain from the 1988outbreak.

The second monkey to become ill was housed in a cage at the opposite end of ablock of about 25 cages from the index case. Monkeys in the cages adjacent tothe ill monkeys were also tested for Reston filovirus.

Routine protective measures for the staff include Tyvek gowns, boots, gloves,dust-mist respirators, and face shields. There has been no unexplained illnessor fever among the staff who had contact with the monkeys or specimens (twoveterinarians, five handlers and one lab technician). Baseline serum had beenbanked for these staff members. Two employees had been shown to beseropositive to Reston in a 1993 survey.

Ebola, another filovirus, is one of the world's deadliest diseases, causing 80percent of its victims to bleed to death. It is spread through bodily fluids,commonly, but not always, through a break in the skin. It has no treatment andno cure. But related filoviruses seem less deadly to humans. The one thatstruck the Reston importer in 1989, killing dozens of monkeys, is one suchstrain. Four people were known to have been exposed to the Reston virus, butnone became ill.

Dr. Manuel Dayrit, assistant secretary of the Philippine Department of Health,said that Philippine authorities are eager to stop the spread of the diseasebecause Philippine monkeys are used extensively in medical research. Thegovernment banned the export of monkeys in April, pending results of aninvestigation.

On June 10 the Philippines lifted its export ban on four of five monkeybreeding farms after tests showed the four were not infected with any strain ofthe deadly filovirus. Environment Secretary Victor Ramos said monkeys at thefifth facility, Ferlite Scientific Research, Inc., were found to have the"Reston strain" of the virus, and it is still banned from exporting theanimals.

Ramos said he had lifted the ban on the four monkey breeding farms after testsshowed their animals were not infected. But he said the Departments of Healthand Agriculture still must give their approval before any monkeys may beexported.

About 15,000 monkeys intended for export are kept in the five facilities,including 1,600 at Ferlite.

The Ferlite Scientific Research, Inc. monkey farm is a 2.5-3-hectare area inCalamba, Laguna, about 40 km. south of Manila. They have open cages as theirholding facilities; the quarantine facility consists of individual cages. In1995 they exported monkeys to the USA and Sweden. In 1996 Ferlite exported the100 monkeys to Hazleton in Texas. A second batch of 100 monkeys to be exportedto the same facility is still in Ferlite's quarantine facility. Their monkeysare quarantined 30 days prior to shipment. The last replacement of breederswas in November, 1995.

This report was compiled from material published and/or posted to electronicsources by NABR, WHO, the Federation of American Scientists, and the TexasDepartment of Health.

* * *

Information Requested or Available

Veterinary Case Reports

David Lee-Parritz, of the New England RPRC, will be coordinating the casereport sessions at the Association of Primate Veterinarians meeting this year.The meeting will be held in Madison, WI in conjunction with the AmericanSociety of Primatologists, August 16-18.

He writes: "Case reports have always been a major feature of our clinicalmeetings of the `monkey doctors'. All attendees are invited to prepare briefpresentations of interesting or puzzling cases. Definitive diagnoses are notrequired! Please look through your records and think of one or two cases todiscuss."

Send your titles to David Lee-Parritz, New England RPRC, One Pine Hill Dr.,Southborough, MA 01772 [e-mail: [emailprotected]].

Pan Africa News

The Editors of Pan Africa News gather information from any personworking in research and conservation of Pan species (chimps and bonobos)in Africa. Specifically, they welcome information on:

  • conservation status,habitat destruction, and other risks such as diseases, poaching and the pettrade;
  • interim reports on ongoing research on wild chimps and bonobos andanecdotal news;
  • activities or projects for orphaned chimps;
  • problems threatening coexistence of research, conservation, and tourism;
  • methodology: new field techniques, habituation, experiences encouraging localpeople to cooperate;
  • announcements of research opportunities, meetings,newsletters, postcard or T-shirt sales to raise funds;
  • any opinions andremarks about the journal.
Articles and letters should be sent to T. Nishida,Lab. of Human Evolution Studies, Dept of Zoology, Fac. of Science, Kyoto Univ.,Sakyo, Kyoto 606-01 Japan [e-mail:[emailprotected]].

Grateful Med on the Internet

The National Library of Medicine's Grateful Med electronic retrieval serviceis moving to the Internet, making their storehouse of electronic databasesavailable via the Web. The service, dubbed Internet Grateful Med, does notrequire any special software, and will be priced per character shipped, with atypical physician's search costing about $1.25. Would-be users need to sign upfor the service and receive a user-ID code and a password[ or 800-638-8480]. -- From theChronicle of Higher Education, 26 Apr 96, A25

Primate Species in Protected Areas

The Neotropical Section of the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group is setting upa data base of the primate species and subspecies living in protected areas.This information is most important for a better understanding of theirconservation status. They will be most grateful for any information,unpublished and published, on the occurrence of primates in parks and reserves,and any information on their status in these areas and the status of theprotected areas. Their working list of protected areas is based on the IUCNlisting published in 1992, and that for the primates on the species listpublished in the supplement edition of volume 4 of Neotropical Primates,the PSG Neotropical Section newsletter, published in September, 1994.

The information obtained will be fully documented, sources acknowledged, and,hopefully, published in a supplement edition of Neotropical Primates.Any comments regarding either of these lists are also very welcome. "Thank youfor helping in this endeavour." Please send information to: Anthony B.Rylands, c/o Conservation International do Brasil, Avenida AntônioAbrahão Caram 820/302, 31275-000 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil[Tel/Fax: +55 31 441-1795; e-mail: [emailprotected] or[emailprotected]].

"Evaluating Eden"

The International Institute for Environment and Development has initiated athree-year research program to investigate and evaluate the environmental,social, and economic dimensions and impacts of community wildlife management(CWM) initiatives in developed and developing countries, and examine theconditions which contribute to successful CWM.

At this stage, they are seeking to identify institutions and individuals whoare:

  • working in the field of community wildlife management;
  • involved inresearch which is relevant to the work undertaken;
  • involved in, can let themknow about, or can provide information about community wildlife managementprojects and initiatives in particular countries/regions; or
  • interested incollaborating with IIED in this program.
If you can help, please get in touchwith Dr. Barry Dalal-Clayton, Director, Environmental Planning Group,International Institute for Environment and Development, 3 Endsleigh St, LondonWCIH 0DD, UK [44 (0) 171 388 2117; fax: 44 (0) 171 388 2826; e-mail:[emailprotected]]. -- Posted by Vern Weitzel toPrimate-Talk

NIH Grants Information e-mail Address

The NIH Grants Information Office, formerly with the Division of ResearchGrants and now a component of the Extramural Outreach and Information ResourcesOffice, Office of Extramural Research, Office of the Director, NIH, has changedits e-mail address. The new e-mail address is:[emailprotected] Use this address when requesting singlecopies of grant application materials or program guidelines and for generalquestions regarding extramural grant programs. The grants informationtelephone and FAX numbers remain unchanged. Grant applications and otherprinted materials may be requested on (301) 435-0714 or by FAX on (301) 480-0525.


The Caribbean Primate Research Center:

Southwest Fnd. for Biomed. Research:

"NetVet Links," a periodic newsletter summary of new veterinarywebsites:

German Mountain Gorilla & Rainforest Direct Aid, includingEnglish version of Gorilla Journal:

Americans for Medical Progress:

The Monkey Sanctuary, Cornwall, U.K.:

A taxonomic hierarchy of all organisms:

UC Santa Cruz Physical Anthropology and Archaeology Labs:

Animal Behavior and Welfare sites:

New England Journal of Medicine:



Pan Africa News:

Outbreak: the Emerging Disease web site:


* * *

Workshop Announcements

Measuring Behavior `96

Measuring Behavior `96, an international workshop on methods and techniques inbehavioral research, will be held 16-18 October 1996 in Utrecht, TheNetherlands. The meeting is co-organized by Utrecht University and NoldusInformation Technology, manufacturer of software and instrumentation forbehavioral research.

Presentations will be grouped in three main areas:

  • Direct Observation(manual scoring of behavior, coding of video tapes, analysis of socialinteractions and complex ethograms);
  • Automated Observation (automaticrecording of movement and behavioral patterns, analysis of simple ethograms);
  • Behavior and Physiology (acquisition and integrated analysis of behavioralevents, physiological signals and other data streams).
Throughout theworkshop, engineers and consultants will be present to provide free assistanceand training in the use of software products for behavioral research. Theworkshop program includes two short tours of Utrecht University's new animalresearch facilities:
  • Rudolf Magnus Institute (animal housing, surgicalfacilities, observation rooms, with live demonstrations of experimentalsetups);
Ethology Station (animal facilities, with indoor and outdoorenclosures, which house several large colonies of Java monkeys).

The registration fee, which includes lunches and refreshments, is NLG 200(students: NLG 50) before 1 August 1996, and NLG 300 (students: NLG 75) afterthat date. Those who cannot afford the registration fee may present amotivated request for a reduced fee to the Local Organizing Committee at theaddress below. For program booklet, registration/abstract forms, and moreinformation, contact Measuring Behavior `96, Workshop Secretariat, Attn: RosanNikkelen, P.O. Box 268, 6700 AG Wageningen, The Netherlands [+31-(0)317-497677;fax: +31-(0)317-424496; e-mail: [emailprotected]; on the WWW:].

Animal Care and Use Programs

The NIH Office for Protection from Research Risks (OPRR) sponsors workshops onimplementing the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use ofLaboratory Animals. The workshops are open to institutional administrators,members of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees, laboratory animalveterinarians, investigators, and other institutional staff who haveresponsibility for high-quality management of sound institutional animal careand use programs. Ample opportunities will be provided to exchange ideas andinterests through question-and-answer sessions and information discussions.

A workshop titled "The 1996 Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals:The Era of Performance Based Standards" will be held September 19-20, 1996 inDenver, CO, cosponsored by the University of Colorado Health Sciences Centerand the University of Southern Colorado. There is a $175 registration fee.

For registration, contact Ms. Joann Bauer, Senior Conference Coordinator,Continuing Med. Education Office, Univ. of Colorado Health Sci. Center, CampusBox C295, 4200 East Ninth Ave, Denver, CO 80262 [303-372-9054; 1-800-882-9153;fax: 303-372-9065].

For information concerning future NIH/OPRR Animal Welfare Education Workshops,contact Ms Darlene M. Ross, OPRR, NIH, 6100 Executive Blvd, Suite 3B01, MSC7507, Rockville, MD 20892-7507 [301-496-8101, Ext. 233; fax: 301-402-0527].

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World Health Organization Fact Sheet on Ebola Fever

The Ebola virus is one of the most pathogenic viruses known to science,causing death in 50-90% of all clinically ill cases. Ebola hemorrhagic feveris often characterized by the sudden onset of fever, weakness, muscle pain,headache and sore throat. This is followed by vomiting, diarrhea, rash,limited kidney and liver functions, and both internal and external bleeding.Several different forms of Ebola virus have been identified and may beassociated with other clinical expressions, on which further research isrequired. The incubation period is 2 to 21 days.

Specialized laboratory tests (which are not commercially available) on bloodspecimens detect specific antigens or antibodies and/or isolate the virus.These tests present an extreme biohazard and are only conducted under maximumcontainment conditions. No specific treatment or vaccine exists for Ebolahemorrhagic fever. Severe cases require intensive supportive care, as patientsare frequently dehydrated and in need of intravenous fluids. Experimentalstudies involving the use of hyperimmune sera on animals demonstrated nolong-term protection against the disease after interruption of therapy.

The Ebola virus was first identified in a western equatorial province of Sudanand in a nearby region of Zaire in 1976. An isolated case occurred in Tandala,Zaire in 1977, a second outbreak occurred in Sudan in 1979, and an epidemic inthe Bandundu Region of Zaire in 1995 caused 245 deaths. Two isolated cases ofEbola hemorrhagic fever were also identified in Côte d'Ivoire in 1994-95.The most recent outbreak was in rural Gabon in February, 1996.

The natural reservoir of the Ebola virus is not known. Extensive ecologicalstudies are currently underway in Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon, and Zaire toidentify the reservoir. Ebola-related filoviruses were isolated fromcynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) imported into the United Statesof America from the Philippines in 1989. A number of the monkeys died and atleast four persons were infected, although none of them suffered clinicalillness.

The Ebola virus is transmitted by direct contact with the blood, secretions,organs or sem*n of infected persons. Transmission through sem*n may occur upto 7 weeks after clinical recovery, as with Marburg hemorrhagic fever.Transmission of the Ebola virus has also occurred by handling ill or deadinfected chimpanzees, as was recently documented in Côte d Ivoire.Health care workers have frequently been infected while attending patients. Inthe 1976 epidemic in Zaire, every Ebola case caused by contaminated syringesand needles died.

Suspected cases should be isolated from other patients and strict barriernursing techniques practiced. All hospital personnel should be briefed on thenature of the disease and its routes of transmission. Particular emphasisshould be placed on ensuring that high-risk procedures such as the placing ofintravenous lines and the handling of blood, secretions, catheters and suctiondevices are done under barrier nursing conditions. Hospital staff should haveindividual gowns, gloves and masks. Gloves and masks must not be reused unlessdisinfected. Patients who die from the disease should be promptly buried orcremated.

As the primary mode of person-to-person transmission is contact withcontaminated blood, secretions, or body fluids, any person who has had closephysical contact with patients should be kept under strict surveillance, i.e.body temperature checks twice a day, with immediate hospitalization and strictisolation recommended in case of temperatures above 38.3deg. C (101deg. F).Casual contacts should be placed on alert and asked to report any fever.Surveillance of suspected cases should continue for three weeks after the dateof their last contact. Hospital personnel who come into close contact withpatients or contaminated materials without barrier nursing attire must beconsidered exposed and put under close supervised surveillance.

For more information, please contact the office of Health Communications andPublic Relations, WHO Geneva, [4122 791 2584/3223; fax: 791 4858. e-mail:[emailprotected]]. -- WHO Fact Sheet 103 (Revised) February 1996

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News Briefs

Revision of Guide Complete

The Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources (ILAR) committee charged withrevising the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Guide)has completed its work. A respected resource for decades, the Guide hasbeen revised by a panel of experts, based on input from scientists and thepublic. The Guide incorporates recent research on commonly usedspecies, including farm animals, and includes extensive references. It isorganized around major components of animal use:

  • Animal environment,husbandry, and management: guidelines on designing and running a managementprogram, addressing environment, nutrition, sanitation, behavioral and socialissues, genetics and nomenclature, etc.
  • Veterinary care: animal procurementand transportation, disease and preventive medicine, surgery, pain recognitionand relief, and issues surrounding euthanasia.
  • Physical plant: design andconstruction issues, guidelines for animal-room doors, drainage, noisecontrol, surgery and other areas.

The Guide provides a framework for the judgments required in themanagement of animal facilities. This revision will be important toresearchers, animal care technicians, policymakers involved in research issues,and animal welfare advocates.

For information about availability of the revised edition of the Guidecontact ILAR, 2101 Constitution Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20417 [202-334-2590;fax: 202-334-1687; e-mail: [emailprotected]]. Meanwhile, the complete textof the 1985 edition is available at on the World WideWeb.

Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, Gabon

No new cases of Ebola hemorrhagic fever have been reported in Gabon since thedeath of the last case on 12 March 1996. The outbreak was therefore officiallydeclared over on 23 April 1996, after a lapse of 42 days, corresponding totwice the maximum incubation period. The outbreak occurred in the village ofMayibout II, Makokou Health District, Ogooue-Ivindo Province. It was linked tothe butchering, transport, and preparation for consumption of a chimpanzeefound dead in the forest on 24 January 1996. The total number of cases was 37(20 males, 17 females) and the mean age was 27 years (range 7 months to 70years). Rapid identification of the disease and appropriate control measuresquickly brought the outbreak under control. -- From Communicable DiseaseNews, 29 April 1996, WHO/EMC

Animal Import News

At the Council of Europe hearing on the transportation of laboratory animalsheld in Strasbourg on 2 April 1996, representatives from the InternationalAirline Transportation Association (IATA) confirmed that strict interpretationof international aviation law says that airlines are legally obligated to carryall consignments into or out of the airlines' country of origin if asked to doso. They further said that, with regard to strict enforcement for laboratoryprimates, IATA had an "official" neutral position. As such, the Germangovernment has forced Lufthansa to resume carrying primates for laboratorypurposes. Primates going to or leaving Germany must be carried by Lufthansa ifrequested; however the airline could not be forced to carry primates betweenthird countries. This applies to the United States as well--all U.S. airlinescould be required to carry animals into and out of the U.S. -- A postingby Jacquie Calnan, Americans for Medical Progress, to CompMed

DPZ Directors

Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Kuhn, who was the scientific director of the GermanPrimate Center (DPZ) from its founding in 1977, retired from the directorshipFebruary 29, 1996. Even before founding the DPZ he had been the main promoterof the idea of a national primate center in Germany. The institute, with itsprimate-keeping facilities, laboratories, and offices, was built at the campusof the University of Göttingen between 1979 to 1984. About 200 peoplework at the DPZ, about 70 of them scientists, in the departments of virologyand immunology, reproductive biology, neurobiology, and pathology, and theresearch groups of ethology, biocommunication, and experimental pathology. TheDPZ keeps about 1000 primates of ten species. Prof. Dr. Kuhn was honored in apublic ceremony on March 21.

The new scientific director of the DPZ is Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hunsmann, whor*ceived his Ph.D. at the University of Würzburg in 1971. He has workedat the Max-Planck-Institut für Virusforschung in Tübingen, theMax-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie in Freiburg, and the Institutfür Immunbiologie at the University of Freiburg. He has been head of thedepartment of virology and immunology at the DPZ since 1983. His maininterests are AIDS research, hepatitis research, and prion diseases. A newdepartment of genetics is planned, which will enlarge the scientific spectrumof the center. -- From a posting by Dr. Dr. Michael Schwibbe toPrimate-talk

Chimp Josie on the Mend

June 13, 1996--Josephine, the chimp at the Johannesburg Zoo who underwent aground-breaking heart operation recently, is doing "exceptionally well" and isexpected to be reintroduced to her troop next week. Zoo curator Jaqui Thompsonsaid "Josie", believed to be the first chimp in the world to have heartsurgery, had been transferred from her small "squeeze" cage to one of the zoo'shospital wards. "The only problem is that she has become very lazy," Thompsonsaid. "She has grown used to being fed by hand. Now, when food is put in frontof her, she just looks at it and expects somebody to put it in her mouth."Josie, a grandmother in her 40s and something of an elder in her primateenclosure, had a diseased section of her aorta removed in a four-hour operationlast Monday. The section was replaced with a Gortex graft. Thompson saidJosie's keepers were "holding thumbs" that the chimp's reintroduction to hertroop would go well. "They could reject her, but she's older, so she has thaton her side." - - From the Johannesburg Star, posted toPrimate-Talk by Greg Hofmeyr, University of Pretoria

New Vets at Primate Foundation of AZ

Jo Fritz has announced that Kathleen Hoffman, D.V.M. (recently at U.C.San Francisco) and Robert Hoffman, D.V.M. (recently of the San Francisco HumaneSociety) have accepted the position of Staff Veterinarian at the PrimateFoundation of Arizona on a "time share" basis. Nominally, "Dr. Kit" will beChief Veterinarian and "Dr. Rob" Assistant Veterinarian, but they will eachwork 20 hours/week.* * *

Resources Available

Small-eared Bushbabies Available

Jeannette Ward has small-eared bushbabies (Otolemur garnettii) for saleto research laboratories or established zoological parks. A no-resale contractwill be required. No dealers, wholesale or retail. The animals are allcaptive-born in her laboratory and have been subjects in behavioral researchonly; no drugs or other invasive procedures. Contact Jeanette at thePsychology Dept, Univ. of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152 [901-678-2375; e-mail:[emailprotected]].

Natural History Book Resources

Watkins Natural History Books has just published their Catalogue No.75, which lists more than 500 used and out-of-print books. The list includesmany books in mammalogy, especially mammalian behavior, taxonomy, and ecology.There are also books relating to birds, reptiles, husbandry, and wildlifemanagement. For a copy of this catalogue, contact Larry C. Watkins, WatkinsNatural History Books, 7036 State Highway 29, Dolgeville, NY 13329[518-568-2280].

Books From Bree, owned by Morgan and Shoshana Edwards, specializes inout-of-print books in all of the sciences, including natural history and itsrelated subjects. They will search for any book, in or out of print, at nocharge for the search. Contact them at 7795 SW Hall Blvd., Beaverton, OR 97008[503-644-7218; 1-800-884-0993; e-mail: [emailprotected]; web site:].

Dissection Alternatives

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has established a loan programto provide students and educators with up-to-date alternatives to classroomanimal dissection and live animal experimentation. For a listing of resourcesavailable at educational levels from kindergarten through college, includingCD-ROMs, computer diskettes, models, videotapes, and charts, contact JonathanBalcombe, Ph.D., Associate Director for Education, Animal Research Issues,HSUS, 2100 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037 [ 301-258-3046; fax:301-258-3082; e-mail: [emailprotected]].

Callithrix jacchus Family Available

The Ethologische Station Sennickerode is offering a young family ofCallithrix jacchus. The parents have been in a research project(described on pp. 10-14) which combined recording of behavioral and heart ratedata and have therefore undergone two surgical procedures (implanting andremoving an ECG-transmitter in the stomach cavity). The birth dates are:female 16.12.92, male 11.08.93, both sons 15.09.95. They should now go to afacility where ethological, rather than biomedical, research is done. Thefamily will be given free but shipping costs must be paid by the new owners.

Interested persons should contact Jens Kerl, Ethologische StationSennickerode, Sennickerode 11, 37130 Gleichen, Germany [+49-5592-1513; fax:+49-5592-1524; e-mail: [emailprotected]].

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Awards Granted and Award Nominations

Rwanda Rangers Win Getty Conservation Prize

For risking their lives to stay at their posts and guard endangered mountaingorillas during the 1994 Rwandan civil war, the staff of Rwanda's Parc Nationaldes Volcans will receive the J. Paul Getty Wildlife Conservation Award. The$50,000 prize, administered by World Wildlife Fund, is one of the largestawards given for outstanding achievement in the conservation of wildlife andits habitats.

WWF President Kathryn S. Fuller announced the winner in late January: "The pasteighteen months have been a time of unspeakable tragedy for the people ofRwanda. The Parc National des Volcans staff, through their heroic efforts,have helped prevent a compounding of that tragedy while protecting mountaingorillas."

The park's troubles began when soldiers breached the park's perimeters andransacked and damaged its buildings. Later, when remnants of the deposedgovernment's army fled the country, they beat a destructive path straightthrough the park, breaking into offices, destroying records and books, andthrowing computers out windows.

Eventually, the deposed government's army, in an effort to clear out as much ofRwanda's population as possible, forcibly drove park staff into Zaire. When thenew Rwandan government finally gained access to the park, they found a heap ofbuildings and infrastructure, all of it needing to be rebuilt.

The International Gorilla Conservation Program, supported by a coalition ofconservation groups, is currently helping to rebuild the park, supplying theRwandan government with copies of destroyed files, and working with officialsto strengthen the country's park system.

Although some of the original staff have since returned to the park, thetourist revenues that once supported it have disappeared, and the park's needsremain enormous. The Getty Prize money will help defray some expenses, while atthe same time honoring a group of courageous conservationists as they resumetheir task of protecting mountain gorillas and their forest habitat. --fromWWF Focus Newsletter, March/April 1996, 18[2].

Rozmiarek Honored

Dr. Harry Rozmiarek of the University of Pennsylvania is being awarded theCharles River Prize by the AVMA for distinguished contributions to the field ofscience and laboratory animal medicine. The award ceremony will be on July20th at the AVMA meeting in Louisville, Kentucky.

Replacement/Refinement Awards

The Dörenkamp-Zbinden Foundation of Switzerland has announced its awardspolicy from 1996 on. The Foundation intends making two awards annually, eachbetween 25-50,000 SF. One award will be for research demonstrating in-vitromethods or ethically acceptable experiments in man which can replace the use ofanimals in experiments. The second award will be made for techniques,instruments or drugs which have produced a clear reduction in suffering inanimals used in experiments.

Applications will be judged by a board consisting both of research scientistsand lay persons, and will be assessed both for scientific quality and relevanceto animal welfare. Nominations for the award (6 copies) should be made to:Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. K. Brune, Institute of Experimental and ClinicalPharmacology and Toxicology, Universtatsstr. 22., D-91054 Erlangen, Germany.The closing date for nominations is the 1st of October.

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Dian Fossey Commemorative Stamp Effort

The Columbus Zoo encourages other zoos, schools, and concernedindividuals to support a petition to issue a commemorative United States postalstamp to honor the late primatologist, Dr. Dian Fossey. The petition campaignis co-sponsored by Partners In Conservation at the Zoo and the Dian FosseyGorilla Fund, in an attempt to encourage people from across the country toremember the efforts of an American woman who founded the Karisoke ResearchCenter in Rwanda, Africa, and dedicated her life to trying to preserve theendangered mountain gorillas.

For information and a copy of the petition, contact Charlene Jendry, PartnersIn Conservation, c/o The Columbus Zoo, P.O. Box 400, Powell, OH 43065[614-645-3400; fax: 614-645-3465].

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World Health Organization Fact Sheet on Malaria

Malaria is by far the world's most important tropical parasitic disease, andkills more people than any other communicable disease except tuberculosis. Inmany developing countries, especially in Africa, malaria exacts an enormoustoll in lives, in medical costs, and in days of labor lost. The causativeagents in humans are four species of Plasmodium protozoa -- P.falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale and P. malariae. Of these, P.falciparum accounts for the majority of infections and is the most lethal.Malaria is curable if promptly and adequately treated.

Prevalence: The geographical area affected by malaria has shrunkconsiderably over the past 50 years, but control is becoming more difficult andgains are being eroded. The spread of the disease is linked with activitieslike road building, mining, logging and new agricultural and irrigationprojects, particularly in "frontier" areas like the Amazon. Elsewhere,disintegration of health services, armed conflicts, and mass movements ofrefugees worsen the situation. The current global picture: Malaria is apublic health problem today in more than 90 countries, inhabited by some 2400million people -- 40% of the world's population. Worldwide incidence isestimated to be on the order of 300-500 million clinical cases each year.More than 90% of all cases are in sub-Sahara Africa, with two-thirds of theremainder concentrated in six countries -- India, Brazil, Sri Lanka,Afghanistan, Viet Nam and Colombia, in decreasing order of prevalence.Mortality due to malaria is estimated at 1.5 to 2.7 million deaths each year.The vast majority of deaths occur among young children in Africa, especially inremote rural areas with poor access to health services. Other high-riskgroups are women during pregnancy, non-immune travellers, refugees, displacedpersons and laborers entering endemic areas.

Characteristics: The classic clinical course of malaria consists ofbouts of fever accompanied by other symptoms, alternating with periods offreedom from any feeling of illness. The main initial symptoms are headache,malaise, fatigue, nausea, muscular pains, mild diarrhea, and a slighttemperature rise, which are often mistaken for influenza or a gastrointestinalinfection. Severe forms of malaria can lead to delirium, impairedconsciousness, and generalized convulsions, followed by persistent coma anddeath. The length of the incubation period is usually 9-30 days depending onthe infecting species, but some strains of P. vivax have incubationperiods of up to 9 months.

Transmission: Malaria is most frequently transmitted from human tohuman via the female Anopheles mosquito, about 60 species of which arepossible vectors for the disease under natural conditions. Anophelesare rarely found in large numbers beyond 2-3 km of their breeding sites, butstrong seasonal winds have been known to carry them 30 km or more.Occasionally, malaria is transmitted near airports in non-endemic areas bymosquitoes carried in by aircraft arriving from endemic zones. Malaria canalso be transmitted by blood transfusions from infected persons, and bycontaminated needles and syringes.

Drug Resistance: At present, most countries where P. falciparummalaria is endemic are facing some degree of parasite resistance to first-linedrugs. Resistance to chloroquine is now common throughout Africa and tosulfadoxine-pyrimethine in Southeast Asia and South America. Resistance tomefloquine is less widely reported, but it is a problem in border areas ofThailand, Cambodia, and Myanmar. In some areas where quinine and tetracyclineare used together as the standard treatment for uncomplicated malaria (i.e.Southeast Asia and Brazil), sensitivity to quinine is diminishing.Fortunately, quinine remains fully effective in treating severe and complicatedmalaria in Africa.

Research Developments: Recent research suggests there is a goodpossibility of having an effective malaria vaccine before the end of thedecade. A synthetic "co*cktail" vaccine for P. falciparum known asSpf66, which is being extensively field-tested in South America, Africa andSoutheast Asia, has been developed by Dr. Manuel Patarroyo of Colombia.Multi-center field trials in Africa also suggest that in certain situations,childhood mortality could be substantially lowered through the use ofinsecticide-impregnated bednets.

Prevention and Control: Malaria is a disease under surveillance by WHOand is considered an essential element of the world strategy for primary healthcare. The four basic technical elements of WHO's global malaria controlstrategy are:

  • provision of early diagnosis and prompt treatment for thedisease;
  • planning and implementation of selective and sustainable preventivemeasures, including vector control;
  • early detection for the prevention orcontainment of epidemics; and
  • strengthening of local research capacities topromote regular reassessment of countries' malaria situations, in particularthe ecological, social and economic determinants of the disease.

Composed from World Health Organization Fact Sheet No. 94, November 1995.For further information, contact Michael Luhan, Health Communications andPublic Relations, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland [4122-791-3221; fax: 4122-791-4858]or Dr. Anatole Kondrachine, Chief, Malaria, Division of Control of TropicalDiseases, WHO, Geneva [4122-791-3741].

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Research and Educational Opportunities

Animal Welfare Short Courses

On 1-3 November and 6-8 December, 1996, the University of Edinburgh will beholding a new two-module short course on the assessment and implementation ofanimal welfare programs. The first module will cover the scientificassessment of animal welfare, the second, animal welfare in practice.

For further details, contact Hamish Macandrew, UnivEd Technologies Ltd,Freepost, 16 Buccleuch Pl., Edinburgh, EH8 0LL [0131 650 3475; fax: 0131 6503474].

Animals and Human Society

Princeton University's Shelby Cullom Davis Center for HistoricalStudies announces that their theme for academic years 1996-98 will be "Animalsand Human Society," exploring the material, ethical, and symbolic dimensions ofthe role of animals in human culture.

The Center welcomes proposals for projects focusing on any of a variety ofissues, including diseases and epizootics; veterinary medicine; extinction ofspecies; environmentalism; animal rights; Darwinism and modern efforts todefine the human being; and paleozoology (classification and origins ofspecies). The Center will offer a limited number of research fellowships forone or two semesters, designed for highly recommended younger scholars who havefinished their dissertations as well as for senior scholars with establishedreputations.

For further information on the research fellowships and weekly seminars (whichare open to the public), please contact: The Manager, Shelby Cullom DavisCenter for Historical Studies, Department of History, Dickinson Hall,Princeton University, NJ 08544-1017.

Scholars who would like to offer a paper at one of the weekly seminars areasked to send a brief description of their proposal and a current curriculumvitae to the Director, Professor William Chester Jordan.

Field Assistant(s): Costa Rica

Research assistant(s) are wanted for an ongoing field study of wildwhite-faced capuchin monkeys (Cebus capucinus) at Lomas BarbudalBiological Reserve, Costa Rica. Responsibilities will include conductingdetailed observations of social behavior, videotaping individuals for up toseveral hours continuously, and possibly collecting and drying fecal samples.Long work hours, primitive living situation. Experience in primate behavioralobservation is preferred and some knowledge of Spanish will be helpful.Position(s) will be available starting approximately January 1, 1997. Athree-month minimum commitment is required, and preference will be given tothose willing to stay longer. Living expenses in Costa Rica will be provided.Airfare may be provided depending on our funding. Preference will be given toapplicants available for a face-to-face interview; we will be interviewing atthe IPS/ASP Meetings in Madison, WI, August 11-16. Send résuméwith names & phone numbers (or e-mail addresses) of three references to:Joe Manson & Susan Perry, Dept of Anthropology, UCLA, 405 Hilgard Ave, LosAngeles, CA 90095-1553 [e-mail: manson@anthro or[emailprotected]].

Howard Temin Award

The goal of the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Howard Temin Award is tobridge the transition from a mentored research environment to an independentresearch career for scientists who have demonstrated unusually high potentialduring their initial stages of training and development. This special award isaimed at fostering the research careers of outstanding, junior, basic,clinical, and behavioral scientists who are committed to developing researchprograms highly relevant to the understanding of human biology and humandisease as it relates to the etiology, pathogenesis, prevention, diagnosis, andtreatment of cancer. The major objective of the award is to sustain andadvance the early research careers of the most promising M.D.s and Ph.D.s whilethey consolidate and focus their independent research programs, and obtaintheir own research grant support.

In general, the candidate must have a research or a health professionaldoctorate or its equivalent and must have demonstrated highly productiveresearch activity and the potential for establishing an independent researchprogram in the period after the doctorate. Candidates must have completed atleast three years of postdoctoral research before the initiation of asuccessful award.

Direct inquiries to Dr. Vincent J. Cairoli, Div. of Cancer Treatment,Diagnosis, and Centers, NIC, Executive Plaza North, Rm 520, Bethesda, MD20892-7390 [301-496-8580; fax: 301-402-4472; e-mail: [emailprotected]].

Fellowships for Tropical Biology

The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) and the Organization forTropical Studies (OTS) announce a second round of competition for researchenhancement awards. Awards, supported by the Andrew Mellon Foundation, willsupport summer salary and travel for up to three years. Applications areinvited from established investigators in all fields of ecological andevolutionary biology to conduct comparative research between STRI and OTS fieldsites in Panama and Costa Rica. Successful applicants are expected to applyfor (or to have in place) other sources of research support. Long-termscientific interaction across these sites is the expected benefit of thisprogram.

Applications will be accepted until 31 Dec 1996. Proposals are limited tofive pages of text. The text should outline the significance of the scientificissue being addressed by the research, briefly describe the proposed methods,emphasize the importance of the cross-site comparison for this issue, andaddress the potential for long-term interaction across the sites. Previousresearch performed by the PI at any of the sites should also be highlighted.In addition, each proposal should include a brief summary of the project (oneparagraph), a budget, a budget justification approved by the home institutionof the PI, a timetable, a full CV, a conflict-of-interest statement, and anindication of what other sources of funds are in place or will be sought.Address inquiries to Education Office, Smithsonian, Apdo 2072, Balboa, Ancon,Panama or Unit 0948, APO AA 34002-0948, USA (email[emailprotected]).

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Meeting Announcements

I Congreso APE 1996

The Asociación Primatológica Española (A.P.E.) will holdits first scientific meeting, I Congrsso APE 1996, October 16-19, 1996at the Hotel-Escuela, Madrid. On the last two days of the meeting a EuropeanWorkshop on Primate Research, consisting of a panel of invited speakers andfree poster contributions, will be held at the same venue. I Congreso APE1996 seeks to provide a forum to assess the current situation andperspectives of primate research in Spain and the rest of Europe, to facilitatethe exchange of information among European primatologists, and to promote theestablishment of cooperative links between European institutions and researchgroups working in primatology.

For further information, contact Dr. Fernando Colmenares, Dept. dePsicobiología, Univ. Complutense de Madrid, Campus de Somosaguas,28223 Madrid, Spain [34-1-3943073; fax: 34-1-3943189; e-mail:[emailprotected]]

National AALAS Annual Meeting: November 3-7, 1996 in Minneapolis, MN.For more information, call 901-754-8620.

Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting: November 16-21, 1996 inWashington, DC. For more information, call 202-462-6688.

Ethics of Animal Experimentation

A European Congress on the Ethics of Animal Experimentation, organized by theEuropean Biomedical Research Association and the Federation of EuropeanLaboratory Animal Science Associations, will be held 17-18 December 1996 atthe Palais des Congres, Brussels. There will be simultaneous translation inEnglish, French and German. The participation fee is ECU 200.

Posters are invited on The Regulation of Animal Experimentation, AnimalBiotechnology, Replacement Alternatives, Refinement of Animal Experiments, TheUse of Primates in Experiments, Public Understanding of Animal Research, andImproved Animal Models. The deadline for submitting poster proposals isOctober 1.

For further information and a copy of the preliminary program, please contactCongress Secretariat, BW & Partners, 9 rue du Moniteur, B-1000 Brussels,Belgium [e-mail: [emailprotected]].

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Silent Auction for Conservation

A reminder about the silent auction to be held by the Conservation Committeeof the American Society of Primatologists at the joint IPS/ASP meeting inMadison: Donated items, including reprints, will be auctioned and theproceeds will go to primate conservation. So please either send auctionitems to Edie Chan, Wisconsin RPRC, Madison, WI 53715, or bring them to themeeting, and then visit the auction room and write down your bid for the greatitems that people donate. Arts and crafts, books, tee shirts, andprimate-related items are popular. -- Ramon Rhine

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Grants Available

Fulbright Grants

Over 800 awards are available for college and university faculty andnonacademic professionals to lecture or pursue advanced research and/or relatedprofessional activity abroad. For U.S. candidates, grants are available tonearly 130 countries. U.S. candidates have an August 1 deadline for lecturingor research awards. Non-U.S. candidates apply in their home country for awardsto come to the United States.

Opportunities exist in every area of the social sciences, arts and humanities,sciences, and many professional fields. Fulbright-supported activities includeundergraduate and graduate teaching, individual advanced research, jointresearch collaboration, and more. The basic eligibility requirement is thePh.D. or equivalent professional/terminal degree at the time of application.For professionals and artists outside academe, recognized professionalstanding, comparable to that associated with the doctorate in higher education,is required, unless otherwise noted in the individual award description.College or university teaching experience is expected at the level and in thefield of the advertised assignment or proposed lecturing activity.

Request the awards booklet and application kit from USIA Fulbright SeniorScholar Program, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, Box INET, 3007Tilden St., NW, Suite 5M, Washington, DC 20008-3009 [202-686-7877; e-mail:[emailprotected]]. Information is also available on the WWW at

NCRR Research and Resource Grant Support

The Biological Models and Materials Research Program has become a part of theComparative Medicine Area of the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR)as a result of the recent reorganization of extramural programs. ComparativeMedicine wishes to restate its interests in the support of nonhuman primateresources, other special colonies of laboratory animals, and research andresource-related research projects for the development of animal (mammalian andnonmammalian) models.

Animal (Mammalian and Nonmammalian) Model, and Animal and Biological MaterialResource Grants (P40) are used to provide support for special colonies oflaboratory animals, including nonhuman primates, as well as for other resourcessuch as cultures (cells, tissues, and organs) and genetic stocks that serve thebiomedical research community at large. These resource centers must have threebasic characteristics: the resource must (1) have a research component togenerate new information which is relevant to the resource; (2) serve the needsof investigators in a variety of biomedical research areas where work issponsored by NIH categorical Institutes; and (3) be available to investigatorson a local, regional and national basis. Special colonies of research animalsare defined as those animals that are valuable to biomedical research, but arenot generally available because of problems of breeding, maintenance orprocurement. Support for such colonies is usually limited to those used for avariety of research projects which span the interests of two or morecategorical Institutes of the NIH.

Grants for Regional Primate Research Centers (P51) support distinctorganizational and structural components affiliated with major host academicinstitutions to provide the necessary specialized facilities, personnel,equipment, breeding colonies of nonhuman primates, and other core supportneeded by qualified investigators (local, regional, and national) to conductindependent and collaborative multi-categorical research programs. RegionalPrimate Research Centers (RPRC) were established to allow biomedical researchto be carried out effectively using various species of nonhuman primates.Competition for a RPRC is open to extramural institutions that meet therequired qualifications. To qualify, an applicant institution must alreadyhave in place the necessary infrastructure, including a well-establishedfacility with a very strong ongoing research program supported by researchgrants from NIH and other funding agencies, specialized professional andsupport personnel, as well as an appropriate number and diversity of nonhumanprimate species to compete for regional primate research center funding.

Investigator-initiated research projects (R01 and R29) provide for theexploration and development of new models (including mammalian, nonmammalian,and mathematical and computer approaches) or for research to expand theusefulness of established model systems. Resource-related research projects(R24) provide for activities intended to enhance the capability of ComparativeMedicine resources or that may lead to the development of a resource.

For further information regarding this notice or to request special guidelinesor instructions for NCRR Comparative Medicine resource center activities,contact: Dr. Leo A. Whitehair, Director, Comparative Medicine, NCRR, OneRockledge Center, Suite 6030, 6705 Rockledge Dr., MSC 7965, Bethesda, MD20892-7965 [301-435-0744; e-mail: [emailprotected]].

NCRR Grants in Comparative Medicine

Comparative Medicine, National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), will nolonger accept Research Program Project (P01) applications effective with theOctober 1, 1996 receipt date. All currently funded P01 grants will be honoredthrough the completion of their respective competitive segments. However,subsequent competitive renewal applications for continuation of the programproject grant will not be accepted.

For further information, contact Dr. Leo A. Whitehair at the address above.

NIDDK-NIAID Int'l Collaboration: Small Grants

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) of theNIH announce a pilot program to support either clinical or basic sciencecollaborative research efforts related to the mission of the NIDDK that areperformed outside the United States, taking advantage of establishedNIAID-supported International Centers. Investigators are encouraged toestablish formal collaboration(s) with the Director or participating scientistsof a NIAID International Center and submit an application for small grantsupport to initiate small research projects or pilot investigations. Thesemust have specific aims consistent with the mission of the NIDDK and theresearch scope of the NIAID International Center, i.e., broad fundamental andclinical research support for a spectrum of chronic and disabling diseasesincluding: diabetes mellitus, digestive diseases, kidney and urologic diseases,hematological diseases, metabolic and endocrine diseases, nutritionaldisorders, and obesity.

The major areas of interest and potential that have been identified asrelevant to this new program are:

  • autoimmune liver diseases andhepatitis
  • gastric ulcer disease and Helicobacter pylori
  • parasiticdiseases which have an impact on liver
  • mucosal immunity
  • pediatricliver disease
  • influence of altered nutritional status on health and disease
  • parasitic diseases with kidney/urinary tract sequelae
  • hemolytic uremicsyndrome
  • infectious diseases of the kidney
  • benign prostatic hypertrophy inminority populations
  • therapies for hematologic disorders such as ironchelating agents
  • diabetic kidney disease
  • hypertensive kidney disease.

For inquiries related to the mission of the NIDDK, contact Thomas F.Kresina, Div. of Digestive Diseases & Nutrition, NIDDKD, Bldg 45, Rm6AN-12A, MSC 6600, Bethesda, MD 20892-6600 [301-594-8871; fax: 301-480-8300;e-mail: [emailprotected]]; or Camille A. Jones, Div. of Kidney,Urologic & Hematologic Diseases, NIDDKD, Bldg 45, Rm 6AS-13K, MSC 6600,Bethesda, MD 20892-6600 [301-594-7715; fax: 301-480-3510; e-mail:[emailprotected]].

For inquiries related to the NIAID International Centers: Michael Gottlieb,Parasitology & International Programs Branch, NIAID, Solar Bldg, Rm 3A12 -MSC 7630, Bethesda, MD 20892-7630 [301-496-7115; fax: 301-402-0659; e-mail:[emailprotected]].

Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators

The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)and the National Institute on Aging (NIA) invite grant applications for thesupport of research fundamental to understanding the neurochemistry of pathwaysin the olfactory and gustatory systems throughout the life span. This researchincludes the identification and characterization of neurotransmitters,neuromodulators, receptors, and secondary messengers throughout thechemosensory systems. Collaboration is encouraged among investigators,including molecular and cell biologists, pharmacologists, and other scientists.Investigators are encouraged to address pivotal issues in the chemical sensesand to utilize innovative methods and approaches to address them.

Direct inquiries to Jack Pearl, Div.of Human Communication, NIDOCD, ExecutivePlaza South, Rm 400-C, 6120 Executive Blvd - MSC 7180, Bethesda, MD 20892-7180[301-402-3464; fax: 301-402-6251; e-mail: [emailprotected]]; orJudith A. Finkelstein, Neuroscience and Neuropsychology of Aging Program, NIA,Gateway Bldg, Suite 3C307, 7201 Wisconsin Ave, MSC 9205, Bethesda, MD20892-9205 [301-496-9350; fax: 301-496-1494; e-mail:[emailprotected]].

Emerging Infectious Diseases

The Fogarty International Center and the National Institute of Allergy andInfectious Diseases will provide international training grants in epidemiologyto address global emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases (ERID). Theletter of intent receipt date is September 15, 1996, and the applicationreceipt date, January 15, 1997. The detailed Request for Applications may beobtained electronically through the NIH Grant Line (data line 301/402-2221),the NIH gopher (, and the NIH Website(, or from Dr. Joel Breman, Division ofInternational Training and Research, Fogarty International Center, 31 CenterDr, MSC 2220, Bethesda, MD 20892-2220 [301-496-1653; fax: 301-402-2056; e-mail:[emailprotected]].

Mentored Development Award in Aging

The Mentored Research Scientist Development Award in Aging (MRSDAA) is for:Research scientists who have established careers in biomedical, behavioral orsocial research and wish to change career direction towards aging research;more junior researchers with training in aging research who need an additionalperiod of mentored research experience prior to becoming fully independent; orresearchers with training and experience in some aspect of aging research whowish to gain complementary training to expand their research interests inaging. NIA is targeting this award to the following areas: CardiovascularAging Skeletal aging and age-related skeletal disease Research on thecauses and effects of menopause Growth of the aging prostate Nutrition andmetabolism Free radical metabolism and aging Sensory and motor disorders ofa*ging.

For information, contact Dr. Robin A. Barr, Office of Extramural Affairs, NIA,Gateway Bldg, Rm 2C218, MSC 9205, 7201 Wisconsin Ave, Bethesda, MD 20892-9205[301-496-9322; fax: 301-402-2945; e-mail: [emailprotected]].

Transplantation Tolerance

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) of theNational Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation,International (JDFI) invite applications for basic, preclinical and clinicalstudies to determine the mechanisms of immunologic tolerance that will enhancesolid organ and tissue graft survival. These grants are intended to stimulatecollaboration between clinicians and basic immunologists to identify andcharacterize the immune mechanisms responsible for enhancing graft survival byinducing tolerance to the donor organ or tissue.

The scope of research to be supported under this RFA includes, but is notlimited to, the following broad areas of interest and examples of possiblespecific investigations. Evaluations of the immune response to organallografts and development of ways to manipulate the response. Elucidation ofthe most important cellular and molecular events of both the induction andeffector phases of the immune response. Investigations of approaches to thedevelopment of therapeutic strategies to improve long-term graft survival.

The letter of intent receipt date is August 10, 1996; application receipt dateis October 8, 1996. For more information, contact Stephen M. Rose, Div. ofAllergy, Immunol., & Transplan., NIAID, Solar Bldg, Rm 4A14, 6003 ExecutiveBlvd, Bethesda, MD 20892-7640 [301-496-5598; fax: 301-402-2571; e-mail:[emailprotected]].

Expanded Research on Emerging Diseases

The Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases of the National Instituteof Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) invites applications for research onemerging and re-emerging human pathogens, specifically basic and appliedresearch projects yielding new data that will enhance prediction, prevention,treatment, and control of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseasesthreatening the U.S. Projects dealing with those bacterial, viral, fungal andparasitic pathogens of humans which have been newly recognized, and whoseprevalence has markedly increased within the last two decades, are ofinterest.

For more information, contact Stephanie L. James, Division of Microbiology andInfectious Diseases, NIAID, Solar Bldg, Rm 3A-10, 6003 Executive Blvd MSC 7630,Bethesda, MD 20892-7630 [301-496-2544; fax: 301-402-0659; e-mail:[emailprotected]].

* * *

Address Changes

Alexandra C. Floyd, 205 Wales Ave, Charlotte, NC 28209.

George W. Irving III, Dir. for Biomedical Applications, Conceptual MindWorks,Inc, 4318 Woodco*ck Dr., Suite 210, San Antonio, TX 78228-1316.

Amy Kooi, 2212 Vermont Dr., L-201, Fort Collins, CO 80525.

Alvin F. Moreland, 2424 Andrews Circle, Aiken, SC 29803-7016.

Christine M. O'Rourke, University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin RPRC, 1223 CapitolCourt, Madison, WI 53715-1299.

Rosalind M. Rolland, 87 Spruce St, Watertown, MA 02172.

Sunny Schacher, 849 Almar Ave, #C150, Santa Cruz, CA 95060.

WARDS, 8150 Leesburg Pike, Suite 512, Vienna, VA 22182-1655.

* * *

Recent Books and Articles

(Addresses are those of first authors)


* The Information Continuum: Evolution of Social Information Transferin Monkeys, Apes and Hominids, B. J. King. Santa Fe, NM: School of AmericanResearch Press, 1994. [Price: Paper: $17.50; Cloth: $35.00].

* Good Natured: The Origins of Right and Wrong in Humans and OtherAnimals. F. de Waal. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1996.[Price: $24.95]

Magazines and Newsletters

* AAALAC Communiqué, Winter, 1996 [11300 Rockville Pike,Suite 1211, Rockville, MD 20852-3035]
. . . Includes a listing of accredited programs.

* Animal Welfare, May, 1996, 5[2]. [UFAW, 8 Hamilton Close, SouthMimms, Potters Bar, Herts EN6 3QD, UK]
. . . Contents include: "The effects of different types of feeding enhancements onthe behaviour of single-caged, yearling rhesus macaques," by S. J. Schapiro,S. A. Suarez, L. M. Porter, & M. A. Bloomsmith; and "Contrasts in dietamongst Barbary macaques on Gibraltar: human influences," by H. O'Leary.

* IPPL News, April 1996, 23[1]. [IPPL, P.O. Box 766, Summerville,SC 29484]
. . . Includes articles on exotic animal auctions in the U.S. and a gibbonrehabilitation project in Thailand.

* The Newsletter, 1996, 7[4]. [Primate Foundation of Arizona, P.O.Box 20027, Mesa, AZ 85277-0027]
. . . Includes the "North of England Zoological Society Chimpanzee Diet," by N.Ormerod.

* Pan Africa News, 1996, 3[1]. [T. Nishida, Lab. of HumanEvolution Studies, Dept of Zoology, Fac. of Science, Kyoto Univ., Sakyo, Kyoto606-01 Japan]

* Neotropical Primates, 1995, 3[4]. [Conservation International,Ave. Antônio Abrahão Caram 820/302, 31275-000, Belo Horizonte,Minas Gerais, Brazil]
. . . Seven articles and a number of news reports, as well as announcements andreviews.

Special Journal Issues

* Working safely with research animals. Lab Animal, April, 1996,25[4].

* The Great Ape Project. Etica & Animali, 1996, 8.

Animal Models

* Hyperinsulinemia is associated with altered insulin receptor mRNAsplicing in muscle of spontaneously obese diabetic rhesus monkey. Huang, Z.,Bodkin, N. L., Ortmeyer, H. K., Hansen, B. C., & Shuldiner, A. R. (A. R.S., Johns Hopkins Univ. School of Med., 5501 Bayview Circle, Rm 5A-42,Baltimore, MD 21224). Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1994,94, 1289-1296.
. . . Cross-sectional studies of insulin receptor mRNA splicing variants in vastuslateralis muscle were performed on 19 rhesus monkeys, at four different stagesof progression to non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, providing the firstdirect evidence linking hyperinsulinemia to alterations in this splicing.

* An ethologically based, stimulus and gender-sensitive nonhuman primate modelfor anxiety. Newman, J. D. & Farley, M. J. (Bldg 112, NIH Animal Ctr, P.O.Box 529, Poolesville, MD 20837). Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacological& Biological Psychiatry, 1995, 19, 677-685.
. . . Adult male and female squirrel monkeys were tested for behavioral responses to5-min social separation followed by 30-sec exposure to two humans wearingleather capture gloves, all preceded by varying doses (including zero) of ananticholinergic drug, benactyzine-HCl. A dose-response relationship forvocalizations during the 30-sec trials was established, with 1 mg/kg being themost effective dose, and with a gender difference in number of vocalizations atevery drug dose.

* Simian immunodeficiency virus (human HIV-II) transmission in allograft boneprocedures. Cook, S. D., Salkeld, S. L., & Prewett, A. B. (Dept ofOrthopedic Surg., Tulane Univ. Sch. of Med., 1430 Tulane Ave, New Orleans, LA70112). Spine, 1995, 20, 1338-1342.
. . . Four allograft bone processing techniques--fresh, fresh frozen, doublefreeze-thaw, and double freeze-thaw with chemical decontamination--were used onbone samples from SIV-infected rhesus monkeys before placing the samples innoninfected animals. Results show that although freeze-thaw cycles andlavaging to remove blood elements can reduce the infectivity of a graft, itappears that chemical decontamination is necessary to provide a high level ofconfidence in its safety.

* Transient memory impairment in monkeys with bilateral lesions of theentorhinal cortex. Leonard, B. W., Amaral, D. G., Squire, L. R., &Zola-Morgan, S. (Ctr for Neuroscience, Univ. of California, 1544 Newton Ct,Davis, CA 95616). Journal of Neuroscience, 1995, 15,5637-5659.
. . . Findings suggest that the entorhinal cortex may normally participate in thelearning and performance of tasks that are dependent on the medial temporallobe memory system. At the same time, however, these and other findingsquestion the hypothesis that the hippocampal formation is the primary mediatorof visual recognition memory function and support the conclusion that theperirhinal and/or parahippocampal cortices play a more prominent role thanpreviously appreciated.

* Effects of Helicobacter pylori infection on gastric mucosal defensefactors in Japanese monkeys. Fujiyama, K., Fujioka, T., Murakami, K., &Nasu, M. (Second Dept of Internal Med., Oita Med. Univ., Hasama-machi, Oita,879-55 Japan). Journal of Gastroenterology, 1995, 30, 441-446.
. . . Gastric mucosal injury in Japanese monkeys with H. pylori infection wasnotable in the antrum, accompanied by such changes as decreases in the contentof PAS-positive substance and hexosamine in the epithelial cells andacceleration of the cell kinetics. It seems that these changes were caused bythe release of ammonia produced by urease. However, in the mucosa of thecorpus, the influence of H. pylori on the cell kinetics differed fromits influence on PAS-positive substance and hexosamine. It is thereforesuggested that some factors other than ammonia may be associated with themechanisms of the gastric injury produced by H. pylori.

* Recognition of three epitopic regions on invasion plasmid antigen C byimmune sera of rhesus monkeys infected with Shigella flexneri 2a.Turbyfill, K. R., Joseph, S. W., & Oaks, E. V. (E. V. O., Dept of EntericInfections, Walter Reed Army Inst. of Research, Washington, DC 20307).Infection and Immunity, 1995, 63, 3927-3935.
. . . Animals asymptomatic for shigellosis after challenge with S. flexnerirecognized peptide epitopes within all three epitopic regions of IpaC,whereas symptomatic animals recognized peptides in only one or two of theepitopic regions. Antibody from monkeys challenged with S. sonneirecognized IpaC peptide epitopes which fell within and outside the threeS. flexneri epitopic regions.

* Endocrine control of testicular somatic and premeiotic germ celldevelopment in the immature testis of the primate Macaca mulatta.Schlatt, S., Arslan, M., Weinbauer, G. F., Behre, H. M., & Nieschlag,E. (E. N., Inst. of Reproductive Med. of the University, Steinfurter Str. 107,D-48149 Münster, Germany). European Journal of Endocrinology,1995, 133, 235-247.
. . . Four groups of juvenile rhesus monkeys received either vehicle or FSH,hCG, or both hormones for a period of 4 weeks. Testicular volume and weightincreased more than twofold after single and more than sixfold after combinedhormone treatment. Observations show that FSH and testosterone can induceSertoli cell proliferation, while Leydig cells are stimulated mainly by hCG.

* L-DOPA reverses altered gene expression of substance P but not enkephalin inthe caudate-putamen of common marmosets treated with MPTP. Jolkkonen, J.,Jenner, P., & Marsden, C. D. (P. J., Neurodegenerative Diseases ResearchCtr, Pharmacology Group, Biomed. Sci. Div., King's College, London SW3 6LX,UK). Molecular Brain Research, 1995, 32, 297-307.
. . . Degeneration of the nigro-striatal pathway causes alterations in levels ofenkephalin and substance P mRNA in the caudate-putamen of common marmosets, asin "lower" species. The imbalance between striatal output pathways produced byL-DOPA may be related to its therapeutic action in Parkinson's disease or, morelikely, to its ability to induce dyskinesia.

* The tolerability and pharmacology of interleukin-6 administered in combinationwith GM-CSF or G-CSF in the rhesus monkey. Myers, L. A., Boyce, J. T., &Robison, R. L. (Dept of Drug Safety, Sandoz Pharm. Corp., East Hanover, NJ07936). Toxicology, 1995, 101, 157-166.
. . . RhIL-6 administered alone or in combination with rh-GM-CSF or rhG-CSF was welltolerated and had no significant toxicologic effects in the nonhuman primate at20 ug/kg/day. RhIL-6 showed a thrombocytopoietic effect and, when administeredwith GM-CSF or rhG-CSF, was associated with a diminished acute-phase response.When rhIL-6 was combined with either stimulating factor, the desiredpharmacologic effects of those stimulating facts were maintained.

* Retrograde cerebral perfusion does not perfuse the brain in nonhuman primates.Boeckxstaens, C. J. & Flameng, W. J. (W. J. F., Dept of Cardiac Surg.,Univ. Clinic Gasthuisberg, Herestraat 49, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium). Annals ofThoracic Surgery, 1995, 60, 319-328.
. . . Data suggest that retrograde cerebral perfusion does not perfuse the brain innonhuman primates because of venovenous shunting.

* PET studies of cerebral glucose metabolism in conscious rhesus macaques.Eberling, J. L., Roberts, J. A., de Manincor, D. J., Brennan, K. M., Hanrahan,S. M., VanBrocklin, H. F., Roos, M. S., & Jagust, W. J. (Ctr for FunctionalImaging, 55-121, Lawrence Berkeley Lab., 1 Cyclotron Rd, Berkeley, CA 94720).Neurobiology of Aging, 1995, 16, 825-832.
. . . PET and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose were used to measure regional cerebralmetabolic rates for glucose in young and aged rhesus macaques, showing thatage-related decreases, such as reported in humans, also occur in macaques.Future studies should include both PET and behavioral measures.

* Experimental hepatitis E in pregnant rhesus monkeys: Failure to transmithepatitis E virus (HEV) to offspring and evidence of naturally acquiredantibodies to HEV. Tsarev, S. A., Tsareva, T. S., Emerson, S. U., Rippy, M.K., Zack, P., Shapiro, M., & Purcell, R. H. (LID/NIAID/NIH, Bldg 7, Rm 200,7 Center Dr. MSC 0740, Bethesda, MD 20892-0740). Journal of InfectiousDiseases, 1995, 172, 31-37.
. . . Pregnant monkeys did not show an increase in severity of induced hepatitisover nonpregnant animals treated the same way. It is possible that HEV is notthe principal cause of fulminant hepatitis in pregnant women.

* Lactational anovulation in non-human primates: Restriction of nursinginhibits Prl secretion without precipitating the return of ovulatory menstrualcyclicity in cynomolgus monkeys. Gordon, K., Aso, T., & Williams, R. F.(Jones Inst. for Reproductive Med., Dept of Ob/Gyn, Eastern Virginia Med.School, 601 Colley Ave, Norfolk, VA 23507). Contraception, 1995, 51,265-272.
. . . Fifteen of 17 mothers remained anovulatory while housed with their infants,irrespective of the type of nursing restriction. First postpartum ovulationsoccurred about two months post-weaning.

* Decreased IgA-producing cells in the gut of SIV-infected rhesusmonkeys. Jackson, S., Moldoveanu, Z., Mestecky, J., Pitts, A. M., Eldridge, J.H., McGhee, J. R., Miller, C. J., & Marx, P. A. (Dept of Microbiology,Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham, AL 35294-2170). Advances in MucosalImmunology, 1995, B371, 1035-1038.
. . . Evidence that the gut of SIV-infected animals is affected similarly to that ofHIV-infected humans, in that decreased numbers of IgA plasma cells relative toIgM plasma cells can be shown throughout the G-I tract.


* Dominance fades with distance: An experiment on food competition inlong-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). Schaub, H. (Ethol. &Wildforsch., Zool. Inst., Univ. Zürich-Irchel, Winterthurerstr. 190,CH-8057, Zürich, Switzerland). Journal of Comparative Psychology,1995, 109, 196-202.
. . . A dominant and a subordinant, but stronger, animal could compete for food by atug-of-war on a bar. The animals were separated by 2 grids, spaced at either30 or 100 cm. At 30 cm, 7 of 8 subordinate subjects either did not pull thebar or did not obtain a major share of the available food. In contrast, at 100cm, all subordinate subjects obtained more food than the dominant.

* Stimulus enhancement and spread of a spontaneous tool use in a colony oflong-tailed macaques. Zuberbühler, K., Gygax, L., Harley, N., &Kummer, H. (Dept of Psychology, Univ. of Pennsylvania, 3815 Walnut St,Philadelphia, PA 19104-6196). Primates, 1996, 37,1-12.
. . . In a captive group of macaques, tool-using behavior by a singlecompetent individual had a significant effect on the synchronous manipulativebehavior of naïve animals. Group members engaged in manipulations on thesame object class more frequently during times when the model was working thanwhen he was not.

* Anticipation of conflict by chimpanzees. Koyama, N. F. & Dunbar, R. I. M.(Dept of Psychology, Univ. of Liverpool, P.O. Box 147, Liverpool L69 3BX,England). Primates, 1996, 37, 79-86.
. . . Captive chimpanzees appear to anticipate the occurrence of conflict duringfeeding by grooming and being in proximity at increased rates during the hourprior to feeding. A strong correlation between prefeed association patternsand spatial proximity during clumped feeding sessions suggests that their mainconcern is to be allowed to feed near individuals who are able to monopolizefood sources.

* Social implications of gummivory in marmosets. Harrison, M. L. & Tardif,S. D. (Dept of Biol. Sci., Kent State Univ. Trumbull Campus, 4314 Mahoning AveNW, Warren, OH 44483). American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 1994,95, 399-408.
. . . Comparing captive Callithrix jacchus to two Saguinus speciesindicated that exudate foraging 1) is retained under laboratory conditions, 2)increases the frequency of territorial marking behavior while decreasing thefrequency of overt aggression in males, 3) decreases the duration of infantcare, and 4) increases the number of nonadults in social groups, but does notaffect group size.

* Responses of infant titi monkeys, Callicebus moloch, to removal of oneor both parents: Evidence for paternal attachment. Hoffman, K. A., Mendoza,S. P., Hennessy, M. B., & Mason, W. A. (California RPRC, Univ. ofCalifornia, Davis, CA 9516). Developmental Psychobiology, 1995, 28,399-407.
. . . Separation from the mother for 1 hour did not elicit an adrenocorticalresponse from an infant unless the father was also removed. Separation fromthe father elicited a significant elevation in adrenocortical activity evenwhen the mother remained with the infant, indicating that in this monogamousNew World primate, the father is the primary attachment figure for thedeveloping infant.

* Interaction sequences between chimpanzees and human visitors at the zoo.Cook, S. & Hosey, G. R. (G. R. H., Div. of Psychology & Biology, BoltonInst. of Higher Education, Deane Rd, Bolton BL3 5AB, England). Zoo Biology,1995, 14, 431-440.
. . . The successive responses of 259 human visitors and 24 chimps at the ChesterZoo were recorded. Chimpanzee responses were random with respect to theprevious human behavior, but human responses were significantly associated withthe preceding chimp behavior. Sequences resulted in the chimps being givenfood in 25% of the human-initiated, but only 8% of the chimp-initiated,behavior sequences.


* Individual differences in macaques' responses to stressors based on social andphysiological factors: Implications for primate welfare and research outcomes.Boccia, M. L., Laudenslager, M. L., & Reite, M. L. (F. P. Graham ChildDevelopment Ctr, Univ. of North Carolina, CB 8180, 105 Smith Level Rd, ChapelHill, NC 27599-8180). Laboratory Animals, 1995, 29, 250-257.
. . . Nonhuman primates exhibit distinct individual differences in their behavioraland physiological responses to experimental challenges and caretakingprocedures. These studies highlight the importance of understanding the contextand individual psychology of macaques in order to provide laboratoryenvironments conducive to their welfare, and to understand the impactexperimental and caretaking procedures are likely to have on the health andwelfare of our subjects.

* Effects of predictable versus unpredictable feeding schedules on chimpanzeebehavior. Bloomsmith, M. A. & Lambeth, S. P. (Dept of Vet. Sci., Univ. ofTexas M. D. Anderson Cancer Ctr, Science Park, Bastrop, TX 78602). AppliedAnimal Behaviour Science, 1995, 44, 65-74.
. . . Inactivity and abnormal behavior was more prevalent in the prefeeding periodfor chimpanzees fed on a predictable schedule than for those fed lesspredictably.


* Weight gain in captive chimpanzee infants: Comparisons by sex,rearing, and colony. Marzke, M. W., Young, D., & Fritz, J. (Dept ofAnthropology, Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ 85287-2402). American Journalof Primatology, 1996, 38, 133-144.
. . . Results of a comparative analysis of weight relative to age in 175 animals,studied over 13 years, during the first 24 months in four sex/rearing groups(hand-reared and mother-reared females and males) from three colonies withdifferent physical, nutritional, and social environments. Results indicatethat rearing and environmental parameters may be factors in weight gain rateand must be considered in such an assessment.

* Gonadal and nongonadal mechanisms contribute to the prepubertal hiatus ingonadotropin secretion in the female rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta).Pohl, C. R., deRidder, C. M., & Plant, T. M. (T. P., Dept of Cell Biol.& Physiol., Univ. of Pittsburgh School of Med., W1451 Biomed. Sci. Tower,Pittsburgh, PA 15261). Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism,1995, 80, 2094-2101.
. . . A reexamination of the role of the ovary in determining the prepubertal hiatusof gonadotropin secretion in the rhesus monkey. Of particular note was thefinding that during that hiatus, when daytime LH levels were mostlyimmeasurable, nighttime levels of this gonadotropin were consistently elevated.

* Immunohistochemical study on the deposition of apo-lipoprotein E in cerebraland islet amyloidoses in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis).Nakamura, S., Kiatipattanasakul, W., Nakayama, H., Ono, F., Sakakibara, I.,Yoshikawa, Y., Goto, N., & Doi, K. (Dept of Vet. Pathology, Fac. ofa*griculture, Univ. of Tokyo, 1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan).Experimental Animals, 1996, 45, 199-203.
. . . Mature types of senile plaques with amyloid deposits andcerebrovascular amyloid showed intense immunoreactivity to antisera to both apoE and amyloid ß protein. This and other findings suggest that apo Eplays an important role in amyloid fibril formation in several types ofamyloidoses.


* Hepatitis E. Wald, A. (Div. of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Univ.of Pittsburgh Med. Center, Pittsburgh, PA 15261). Advances in PediatricInfectious Diseases, 1995, 10, 157-166.
. . . An overview of enterically transmitted non-A, non-B (ET-NANB) hepatitis,including epidemiology, primate studies, diagnostic studies, clinical features,and prevention.

* An expanded search for human infection with simian type D retrovirus. Lerche,N. W., Heneine, W., Kaplan, J. E., Spira, T., Yee, J. L., & Khabbas, R. F.(Virol. & Immunol. Unit, California RPRC, Univ. of California, Davis, CA95616). AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 1995, 11,527-529.
. . . The lack of seropositive samples among 897 sera tested from intravenous drugusers, SIV research workers, and gay men, in the U.S. and Thailand, adds to thebody of evidence that infection with simian type D retrovirus is extremely rareto nonexistent among human populations at increased risk for infection withother retroviruses.

* Phenotypic and functional parameters of cellular immunity in a chimpanzee witha naturally acquired simian immunodeficiency virus infection. Kestens, L.,Vingerhoets, J., Peeters, M., Vanham, G., Vereecken, C., Penne, G., Niphuis,H., van Eerd, P., van der Groen, G., Gigase, P., & Heeney, J. (Lab. ofPathology-Immunology, Inst. of Trop. Med., Nationalestraat 155, B-2000 Antwerp1, Belgium). Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1995, 172,957-963.
. . . The cellular immunologic and virologic status of a chimpanzee naturallyinfected with an HIV-1-like lentivirus (SIVcpz-ant) was compared longitudinallywith those of three HIV-1-infected and five uninfected chimpanzees. Viruscould be isolated from the plasma of the SIV-infected chimp, but clinical signsof immune deficiency were never observed.

* Shigellosis in captive western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla).Stetter, M. D., Cook, R. A., Calle, P. P., Shayegani, M., & Raphael, B.L. (Wildlife Health Sci., Wildlife Conserv. Soc., 2300 Southern Blvd, Bronx, NY10460-1099). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 1995, 26,52-60.
. . . Results of a 10-year retrospective study, evaluating the incidence andassessing the implications of shigellosis in zoo gorillas.

* Reactive arthritis subsequent to Shigella flexneri enteritis in twojuvenile lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). Raphael, B. L.,Calle, P. P., Haramati, N., Watkins, D. I., Stetter, M. D., & Cook, R. A.(Address same as above). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 1995,26, 132-138.
. . . Two juvenile gorillas experienced polyarthropathies subsequent to S.flexneri enteritis. The clinical sign of lameness and soft tissue swellingresolved with anti-inflammatory and antibiotic therapy. One of the animals hada major histocompatibility class I allele with some sequence similarity toHLA-B27. This allele is associated with postinfection reactive arthritis inhumans.

* Herpesvirus-associated malignant lymphoma in a slow loris (Nycticebuscoucang). Stetter, M. D., Worley, M. B., & Ruiz, B. (Address same asabove). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 1995, 26,155-160.
. . . Hematologic, biochemical, serologic, viral, and pathologic data from a case oflymphoma in a herpesvirus-infected slow loris. The disease was initiallydiagnosed from a complete blood count and later confirmed histologically.

* Isoniazid and rifampin serum levels in a colobus monkey (Colobus guerezacaudatus) infected with Mycobacterium bovis. Stetter, M. D. &Peloquin, C. A. (Address same as above). Journal of Zoo and WildlifeMedicine, 1995, 26, 152-154.
. . . Unusually high chemotherapy dosages were necessary to achieve serumconcentrations in the therapeutic range in a colobus monkey.

Successful treatment of Cryptococcus neoformans infection in an Allen'sswamp monkey (Allenopithecus nigroviridis) using fluconazole andflucytosine. Barrie, M. T. & Stadler, C. K. (Oklahoma City Zool. Park, 2101NE 50th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73111). Journal of Zoo and WildlifeMedicine, 1995, 26, 109-114.
. . . In a nonhuman primate, fluconazole at 18 mg/kg/day in combination withflucytosine is effective and safe for the treatment of pulmonary and centralnervous system cryptococcosis.

Evolution, Genetics, and Taxonomy

* Genetic polymorphism of alpha-1-antitrypsin correlates with aclassification of African green monkeys. Samilchuk, E. (Kuwait Med. GeneticsCtr, P.O. Box 31121, Sulibikhat, Kuwait) Primates, 1996, 37,57-63.
. . . Twenty-six phenotypes of alpha-1-antitrypsin (a1-AT) controlled by 12codominant alleles of PICer locus were identified by isoelectrofocusing in 238African green monkeys of 3 species (Cercopithecus aethiops, C. pygerythrus,and C. sabaeus) and 6 animals of other Cercopithecus species(C. mona, C. diana, and C. neglectus). The majority of a1-ATphenotypes was species-specific. The frequencies of PICer alleles estimatedfor C. aethiops and C. pygerythrus were profoundly different.Thus, a1-AT phenotypes can be of use as markers for breeding control incaptivity and taxonomic identification of blood samples.

Instruments & Techniques

* Flow cytometry detection of surface antigens on fresh, unfixed redblood cells infected by Plasmodium falciparum. Jouin, H., de laSalmoniére, Y. O. G., Behr, C., Dat, M. H. Q., Michel, J. C., Sarthou,J. L., da Silva, L. P., & Dubois, P. (Unité de Parasitol. Exp.,Inst. Pasteur, 25 rue du Dr Roux, 75724 Paris Cedex 15, France). Journal ofImmunological Methods, 1995, 179, 1-12.
. . . A technique which permits the detection of specific surfaceimmunofluorescence staining on red blood cells infected with mature stages ofP. falciparum by antibodies in sera from hyperimmune Saimiri monkeys.Using Thiazole Orange dye for detection of parasitized cells, this analysis wasperformed on a FACSscan apparatus equipped with a single laser.


* Mechanism of action of antiprogestins in the pregnant uterus. Chwalisz, K.,Stöckemann, K., Fuhrmann, U., Fritzemeier, K. H., Einspanier, A., &Garfield, R. E. (Research Labs of Schering AG, D-13342 Berlin, Germany).Steroid Receptors and Antihormones, 1995, 761, 202-223.
. . . A review of recent experimental studies with various progesteroneantagonists on the role of progesterone during the peri-implantation period andduring early and advanced pregnancy.

* Morphological changes of the ovary and hormonal changes through the ovariancycle of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Torii, R., Abbott, D.H., & Nigi, H. (Inst. for Exp. Animals, Shiga Univ. of Med. Sci.,Tsukinowa-cho, Seta, Ohtsu, Shiga 520-21, Japan). Primates, 1996, 37,49-56.
. . . Laparoscopic observations of morphological changes of the ovary during theovarian cycle in conjunction with radioimmunoassay of serum progesterone andestradiol-17ß was investigated as a method of monitoring the ovar-iancycle in the common marmoset. Changes in a representative animal are shown inphotographs and a graph. There was no mature follicle or corpus luteum insubordinate females' ovaries.

* In vitro fertilization of Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus)gametes followed by embryo transfer into a surrogate hybrid orangutan (Pongopygmaeus). Joslin, J. O., Weissman, W. D., Johnson, K., Forster, M.,Wasser, S., & Collins, D. (Woodland Park Zoo, 5400 Phinney Ave, N, Seattle,WA 98103). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 1995, 26,32-42.
. . . A multidisciplinary nonsurgical approach was used to collect oocytes from a12-yr-old Bornean orangutan, perform in vitro fertilization, and attempt embryotransfer into a surrogate animal. Clinical and laboratory methods for spermcollection, oocyte retrieval, in vitro fertilization, and trancervical embryotransfer are described.


* Fetal liver cell transplantation for the creation oflymphohematopoietic chimerism in fetal baboons. Shields, L. E., Bryant, E. M.,Easterling, T. R., & Andrews, R. G. (Dept of Ob/Gyn, Box 35640, Univ. ofWashington, Seattle, WA 98195-6460). American Journal of Obstetrics andGynecology, 1995, 173, 1157-1160.
. . . A demonstration that creation of xenogeneic lymphohematopoietic chimerism ispossible in the midgestation fetal baboon, but the level of chimerism was toolow to study the biologic activity of the transplanted cells or to potentiallyameliorate lymphohematopoietic disorders.

In many cases, the original source of references in this section has been theCurrent Primate References prepared by The Primate Information Center, RegionalPrimate Research Center SJ-50, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98l95.Because of this excellent source of references, the present section is devotedprimarily to presentation of abstracts of articles of practical or of generalinterest.

* * *

Position Available: Clinical Research Veterinarian

The Oregon Regional Primate Research Center is seeking applicants for aposition as Clinical Research Veterinarian with primary responsibilities forthe provision of surgical services in support of biomedical research programs.Specific responsibilities for this position include performing, monitoring, anddeveloping surgical procedures, supervision of technical surgical supportstaff, training of technical surgical and investigative staff in asepticsurgical techniques and surgical procedures, and provision and monitoring ofanesthesia, analgesia, and postoperative care. Other duties may includeimplementation of programs of adequate veterinary care and preventive medicine,performing physical health examinations on nonhuman primates and otherlaboratory animals, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, and provision ofresearch support. The candidate must have the desire to work with others as ateam and be able to interact in a positive manner with other veterinarians,technical personnel, and scientists. The candidate must have a DVM orequivalent degree from an accredited college of veterinary medicine and belicensed or eligible for licensure in the State of Oregon. Specific trainingand/or experience in laboratory animal medicine to include experimental surgeryas well as care and treatment of nonhuman primates is desirable. To apply,forward a letter of interest and a current curriculum vitae to Dr. M. SusanSmith, Director, Oregon Regional Primate Research Center, 505 NW 185th Ave,Beaverton, OR 97006.

* * *

All correspondence concerning the Newsletter should be addressed to:
Judith E. Schrier, Psychology Department, Box 1853, Brown University
Providence, Rhode Island 02912. [401-863-2511; FAX: 401-863-1300]

Current and back issues of the Newsletter are available on theWorld Wide Web at


The Newsletter is supported by U. S. Public Health Service GrantRR-00419 from the Comparative Medicine Program, National Center for Research Resources, N.I.H.

Cover illustration of a squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus sciureus) bySusan D. Meier (seeNatural and Artificial Minds, SUNY Press, 1993, with permission)

Copyright (c) 1996 by Brown University

Copy Editor: Elva Mathiesen

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Laboratory Primate Newsletter, Volume 35, Number 3 (2024)
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