119 Citations
- Yiran ZhangYingxiang LiuJin SunWei ZhangZheng GuoQiong Ma
- 2023
The discovery of AA is reviewed and interventions in AA metabolic pathways are effective ways to manage inflammatory‐related diseases in the clinic and potential clinical applications are discussed.
- 14
- V. LubranoRudina NdreuS. Balzan
- 2023
Medicine, Biology
International journal of molecular sciences
This review describes the lipid mediators of vascular inflammation and resolution, and their biochemical activity, and highlights data from the literature that often show a worsening of atherosclerotic disease in subjects deficient in lipid mediator of inflammation resolution.
- F. Rasquel-OliveiraMatheus Deroco Veloso da SilvaGeovana Martelossi-CebinelliV. FattoriR. CasagrandeW. A. Verri
- 2023
Medicine, Chemistry
This review summarizes the current knowledge on SPM biosynthesis and classifications, endogenous production profiles and their effects in animal models of bacterial, viral and parasitic infections.
- M. HébertAyyoub Selka L. Boudreau
- 2023
Medicine, Chemistry
International immunopharmacology
This study investigated a series of polyphenol analogues of natural polyphenols that inhibit the 12-LO pathway in human platelets without affecting other normal functions of the cell, and characterized two novel inhibitors of the 12 -LO pathway that could be promising for subsequent in vivo studies.
- 1
- J. Giménez‐BastidaA. González‐SarríasJ. M. Laparra-LlopisC. SchneiderJ. Espín
- 2021
Medicine, Environmental Science
International journal of molecular sciences
Increasing the number of studies targeting the 5-LOX pathway would largely expand knowledge on the anti-inflammatory mechanisms of (poly)phenols.
- 29 [PDF]
- X. CapóM. Martorell A. Sureda
- 2018
Medicine, Biology
European journal of medicinal chemistry
- 36
- Tran Thi Minh AnhA. Mostafa A. Koeberle
- 2021
Medicine, Environmental Science
Acta pharmaceutica Sinica. B
- 6
- D. GarridoN. Chanteloup R. Guabiraba
- 2017
Agricultural and Food Sciences, Biology
Front. Vet. Sci.
PAF is identified as an inflammation amplifier in chicken macrophages and ECs, which suggests that PAF could play important roles in the endothelium-innate immunity interface in birds during major bacterial infectious diseases such as colibacillosis.
- 15
- Highly Influenced
- C. Spickett
- 2020
- 1
- Wheeler TorresJ. Pérez Valmore Bermúdez
- 2023
Medicine, Biology
International journal of molecular sciences
Evidence supports the relationship between chronic inflammation and cancer and a group of bioactive lipids derived from polyunsaturated fatty acids may have a position as novel anti-inflammatory molecules known as the specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs) that could improve the anti-tumor immunity.
360 References
- C. SerhanT. TakanoK. GronertN. ChiangC. Clish
- 1999
Chemistry, Medicine
Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine
Recent developments on the cellular interactions of these novel anti-inflammatory mediators are reviewed, including aspirin also functions in part via production of novel epimers of lipoxins or 15-epi-lipoxins.
- 34
- M. AritaC. ClishC. Serhan
- 2005
Medicine, Chemistry
Biochemical and biophysical research…
- 133
- A. HataR. Breyer
- 2004
Medicine, Chemistry
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- 2006
Chemistry, Medicine
Anesthesiology clinics
- 103
- B. SamuelssonS. DahlénJ. LindgrenC. RouzerC. Serhan
- 1987
Medicine, Chemistry
The multiple interaction of lipoxygenases generates compounds that can regulate specific cellular responses of importance in inflammation and immunity.
- 2,133
- M. AritaF. Bianchini C. Serhan
- 2005
Chemistry, Medicine
The Journal of experimental medicine
Novel counterregulatory responses in inflammation initiated via RvE1 receptor activation that provide the first evidence for EPA-derived potent endogenous agonists of antiinflammation are demonstrated.
- 913
- Highly Influential[PDF]
- C. SerhanC. ClishJessica BrannonS. ColganChia NanK. Gronert
- 2000
Medicine, Chemistry
The Journal of experimental medicine
It is reported that inflammatory exudates from mice treated with ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid and aspirin (ASA) generate a novel array of bioactive lipid signals, which provides a novel mechanism for the therapeutic benefits ofπ-3 dietary supplementation, which may be important in inflammation, neoplasia, and vascular diseases.
- 1,166
- Highly Influential[PDF]
- C. SerhanRong Yang Matthew Spite
- 2009
Medicine, Biology
The Journal of experimental medicine
Findings suggest that maresins and this new metabolome may be involved in some of the beneficial actions of DHA and MΦs in tissue homeostasis, inflammation resolution, wound healing, and host defense.
- 837
- Highly Influential[PDF]
- O. WerzD. Steinhilber
- 2005
Chemistry, Medicine
Biochemical pharmacology
- 144
- C. SerhanSong Hong Rose-Laure Moussignac
- 2002
Medicine, Biology
The Journal of experimental medicine
It is reported that lipidomic analysis of exudates obtained in the resolution phase from mice treated with ASA and DHA produce a novel family of bioactive 17R-hydroxy-containing di- and tri-hydroxy-docosanoids termed resolvins that enhance proresolution status.
- 1,681
- Highly Influential
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