The Province from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)

Love (CC) (R) of (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Pilot. (CC) (CC) B12 Province Showcase Monday, April 8, 1996 (CC) (CC) TV Today For your guide Province SHOWCASE call Channel 2 CBUT-CBC 4 KOMO-ABC 5 KING-NBC 6 CHEK-CTV 7 KIRO-UPN 8 BCTV-CTV 9 KCTS-PBS 10 U.TV 11 KSTW-CBS 12 Kvos 13 KCPQ 26 CBUFT BRAVO DISCOVERY KNOWLEDGE LIFE NEWSWORLD SHOWCASE TLC TSN VISION WTN YTV MONDAY 10 a.m., History of Canada How the geologists, map makers the 1800s used science understanding of 30224. 5 p.m. Repeats at Lucky Luciano: Investigators and insight on Lucky and bootlegger who 515866, 623359. 5 p.m.

Repeats at Eur-OK: Foo Fighters Taped at Brixton London. MuchMusic 5:45 p.m. Daddy (mus.1955) Fred hrs) Bravo 6 p.m., Children A film allowing child-care providers EVENING Channel 2 CBUT-CBC 4 KOMO-ABC 5 KING-NBC 6 CHEK-CTV 7 KIRO-UPN 8 BCTV-CTV 9 KCTS-PBS 10 U.TV 11 KSTW-CBS 12 kvos 13 KCPQ 26 CBUFT BRAVO DISCOVERY KNOWLEDGE LIFE NEWSWORLD SHOWCASE TLC TSN VISION WTN VTV (CC) CHANNEL GUIDE cable channel conversion in area, see the Channel Changer in Friday's TV PreView, or your local cable company. 1 p.m. 1:30 2 p.m.

2:30 3 p.m. 3:30 Midday (CC) 33822 One Life to Live (CC) 87069 Coronation 6476 Urban Peasant 885 One Life to Live (CC) 94750 General Hospital (CC) 72137 Northwest Afternoon 8779 Real Life 54156 25243 Donahue (R), (CC) 51595 Chek 39934 Dini.n (CC) 974069 (Homestyle 3514 Another World (CC) 59137 Crook Chase n. 49224 Tempestt 10311 Ricki Lake 46663 Homestyle 57330 Bold B. 41682 Another World (CC) 18953 Ricki Lake 44205 Instructional Programming 22682 Sesame Street (CC) 78359 Barney 1446 Puzzle Place 9755 Enter. Desk 75750 Danger Bay 24040 General Hospital (CC) 69601 Donahue (R)N (CC) 95953 As the World Turns (CC) 17750 Guiding Light (CC) 63427 Young and the Restless (CC) 99779 Maury Povich (CC) 15392 Hard Copy 5021 Paid Program 1798 V.R.

Troopers 4156 Saved-Bell 6243 FILM: Cop A detective becomes obsessed with solving a woman's murder. 26021 Taz-Mania 4934 6021 Louvain 964798 P'tit* Bonheurs de 965427 Les Contes d'Avonlea (SC) 163311 Madame 49779 (12:30) Columbo 958243 Remington Steele (Part 2 of 2) 583427 Quincy Murder by S.O.P.. 987069 (12:30) FILM: Thoroughly Modern Millie (1967) Julie Andrews. 7049359 Montreal Jazz Festival (R) 64601 Naturalist With a Camera (R) 876514 Invention 544243 Next Step 250392 Beyond 2000 341243 Japanese 70330 Women 57392 Quality 7345 Statistically 9972 Internet 2330 Internet 1717 Body Break Canadian 7203427 Dinner 4548021 Pets 3443601 Health 4567156 Attitude 3455446 Politics (CC) 2968885 News 2753088 Business 7014446 E.N.G Love and Duty. (CC) 223408 Formula One (CC) 394595 Hobo 903972 Edison 642359 Homebods 213412 Home Pro 235224 Furniture 355427 Renovation 856316 Hometime 334934 Hometime 856361 Bodyshape 291934 Fabulous Sports Babe 946069 Transworld Sport (R) 137663 Sportsdesk 265359 (11:30) Bach's St.

Matthew's Passion (R) 3136750 Robison 5723953 Life 8746040 Choyce 5735798 Take 3 (R) (CC) 13798 Surgical 93137 Upper Hand 32514 Girl Talk (R) 57412 Maclean's 44359 Hands Up 651392 Play 878972 Station 542885 Eric 258934 Chipmunks 521392 Woody 260779 Science in racism on children's lives. Knowledge executive Jim Profit schemes surveyors, 1971. the top of a corporate conglomerate. and botanists of 8 p.m., Fresh Prince of Bel-Air This episode: Bobbi considers to achieve an Will is abashed when his Aunt Vivian (stereo) Ch. 13 77069.

Canada. Knowledge unwittingly arouses the passions of a 8 p.m., Vanessa Redgrave man of the cloth. (stereo) Ch. 5 6359. engaging actress discusses her 9 p.m., Biography 8 p.m., Star Trek: Voyager After family and love of acting.

Chairman of the Mob. crash-landing on a sacred haven, Tuvok 51021. longtime friends offer attempts to save three abandoned 9 p.m., Inside the Vatican Luciano, the mobster Drayan children from the messenger of westward conversion by the built an empire. death. (stereo) Ch.

7 86779, Ch. 12 Church under the leadership of 46175. Benedictines and the Roman 9 p.m., I'm OK, 8 p.m., Ellen Ellen tries to make a Augustine. (Part 2 of 5) (R) Ch. Live in London new friend while waiting for a 9 p.m.

Her Last Chance Academy in mammogram. (stereo) Ch. 8 9069. Kellie Martin. A teenager copes 7214953, 2897224.

8 p.m., Scientific American Frontiers substance abuse and a murder Long Legs This scientific tour of Italy explores (2 hrs) Ch. 5 94798, Ch. 6 85040, Astaire. (2 efforts to save the Leaning Tower of 9 p.m., Murder One 92035972 Pisa, a turtle hospital in Naples and the Grasso present their closing Are Not the Problem Gran Sasso physics lab. (stereo) Ch.

9 Judge Bornstein's impartiality parents, teachers and 20137. into question. (stereo) Ch. 10 to see the impact of 8 p.m., Profit (series premiere) Junior Ch. 4 at 10 p.m.

31243, 1514. 7 p.m. 7:30 Live Fresh Prince 205 HIGHLIGHTS Wh. Fortune 7205 (CC) 601 Evening Mag. 3381 Am.

Journal 3137 Home Videos 8953 Extra 1779 Ent. Tonight 2779 Seinfeld 8205 Wh. Fortune 3021 Jeopardy! 9175 Science Guy 3427 Mr. Bean 9953 Ent. Tonight 1069 7595 8596 Extra 4021 Seinfeld 6137 Murphy B.

2663 Home Imp. 9243 Simpsons 2069 Le (SC) Le Point (SC) Miss Marple (Part 1 2) 627175 (5:45) Daddy Long Legs 92035972 Rachel Carson's Silent Spring Cooking 4311 Readers 7137 Real Lite 0) Rough Cuts (CC) 2704206 E.N.G and Duty. 412205 Warriors 358243 Mystic 261900 (6:30) NHL. Hockey: Calgary Fumes at Summer 8738021 Spirit 5744446 Son Rise 715798 Discussion 20779 0 545601 Afraid? 279427 VCR Plus: Numbers after television listings are codes for automatic programming with a VCR Plus scanner 4 p.m. 4:30 5 p.m.

Degrassi High 392. Family Matters 576 Simpsons 5601 Home Videos 208 Inside Edition 972 News Anchors Dan Oprah Winfrey (CC) 63330 News Anchors Jean Bold B. 4866 Late Show 0. (CC) 62021 Jenny Jones (Part 1 of 2) (CC) 65798 News Anchors Steve Oprah Winfrey (CC) 56040 News (CC) 3885 C. Sandiego 2040 Wishbone (R) 8224 Mr Rogers 3663 Days of Our Lives (CC) 14088 Young and the News Anchor Monica Gayle.

15494 8359 Calif. Dreams 5750 Dinosaurs 0 1934 Full House 9601 Batman 5156 Rangers 4040 Full House 6779 Signe 51514 pas 57798 Watatatow 12137 Equalizer The Visitation. 966576 Biography: Lucky Bravonews 29040 Fred Astaire Ginger Rogers 7371866 Discovery.can (CC) 320750 Global 535595 Sociol-Crime 6804 Navigate 6408 South Days of Hope. Against 3434953 Women 3430137 Nature 4562601 Early Edition (CC) 4790934 Lead (CC) 2725205 Adrian M. 621866 Streetwise 610750 Northwood 915717 Forces 634196 Forces 116840 Archaeol.

346779 In. Sports 244866 Howard Mackie Awards 714021 Pressure 5714205 Over the Fence Highway to Heaven Metro Cafe 23866 Lifestyle 12750 M.T. Moore 17717 Sailor M. 272514 Wishbone 278798 Doug (CC) 533137 blackmail. The life, Knowledge his way to The Catholic the monk 2 3359.

(dra. 1996) with charge. Hoffman and arguments; is called Also on Vanessa Redgrave on her family, life and love of acting. 10 p.m. 10:30 News (CC) 6446 Murder One Chapter Nineteen.

1514 Kellie Martin, Patti LuPone, $4796 Kellie Martin, Patti LuPone: 85040 News Anchors Steve Raible. 92330 Law Order Atonement. (CC) 90972 Breakthrough: Science 43088 Chicago Hope Wild Cards. (R) 34330 Chicago Hope Wild Cards. (R) 38156 Seinfeld 90595 52953 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (R) 56576 4 et demi 40330 FILM: Poirot 625446 (BW) 8133576 Am a Hotel 71224 Country 151717 Mysterious 137137 Montparnasse Revisited 074972 Real Life (R) () Rough Cuts (R) (CC) 2702576 FILM: Wedding in Galilee (1987) Israels Warriors 509311 Mystic 525359 American Gladiators Skylight 2141021 Arts Exp.

2167069 A Miracle of Love (1979) James Fareneno De Mad 158258 Streetnoise 135779 (CC) 1 of (CC) (CC) COLOR CODE TOP TEN TALK AND ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS NEWS AND DOCUMENTARIES MOVIES MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1996 5:30 6 p.m. 6:30 Fresh Prince 156 CBC News Anchors Kevin Evans. 29446 Lewis. (CC) 6576 ABC News 137 News (CC) 717 Enersen. (CC) 9682 NBC News 6601 News (CC) 7953 News (CC) 7330 News Anchor Tony Parsons.

32934 Raible. 4750 News 8069 Hard Copy 2021 News (CC) 9798 News Anchor Tony Parsons. 50330 Business 9576 Newshour With Jim Lehrer (CC) 42446 Restless 0 3040 News Anchors Russ Froese. 40088 CBS News 7972 Roseanne 0 4885 Coach (CC) 5137 Blossom (CC) 5514 Home Imp. 2427 Roseanne 3779 Gilligan's Isle 5392 Full House 2205 (CC) 6885 Meilleur 31750 38663 Ce Luciano 515866 Poirot 492576 FILM: Daddy Long Legs (1955) Fred Astaire.

92035972 Journeys 261408 Country 251021 Mysterious 275601 3682 Children 1971 Out-Blue 1953 Lets Build 3454717 Kitty Bartholomew Gardener's World Face Off 7013717 Pamela Wallin Live (CC) 7438175 Street 634330 Red Green 631243 SCTV 622595 History 411232 Frozen Tombs of Siberia (R) 244972 NHL Tonight Pregame (CC) 863576 Hockey 798779 (CC) 8737392 Blood 5724682 Example 5715934 TV FILM: Son -Rise: A Miracle of Love (1979) 715798 Flintstones 252750 Casper 259663 Felix-Cat 273243 9 p.m., Worf civilian the Klingons. 9 p.m. 1938) the creation sonata. 9:30 p.m. Love (dra.

autistic real world. 10 p.m. 1987) Anna watchful Midnight, This comedy adventures summer recruit (Part 1 of 11 p.m. 11:30 CBC News 6175 75224 News 4506381 Nightline 2624406 News 9120156 Tonight Shown (CC) CTV News 62601 News 3497446 News 9115224 (H. Patrol 1650175 CTV News 64069 News 3482514 Blackadder 17175 Neighbors 66514 Sports Page 15717 News (CC) 64156 News 7895408 Late Show (CC) Star Trek: The Next Generation 87595 20663 Cops (CC) 34040 (1985) Sophie Une jaune etudante Miss Marple (Part 2) 209953 Classically Cuban (R) 06595 Rachel Carson's Silent Spring 570427 Born Talking "Doing What Comes Naturally Dinner 9873330 Canadian 8347205 Lead (R) 4791063 Business 2943576 keep a watchd eye on a Palestian wedding.

Forces 700953 Forces 200750 (Sportsdesk (In. Sports 573040 100 Huntley Street 8351327 (CC) Discussion 45750 Catwalk (R)n. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine stands trial for destroying a transport ship during a battle with (stereo) Ch. 12 26311. Moonlight Sonata mus.

Charles Farrell. An affair leads to of the Moonlight Bravo 8133576. Son-Rise: A Miracle of 1979) James Farentino. An child's parents help him enter the (2 hrs) WTN 869243. Wedding in Galilee (dra.

Achdian, Israelis keep a eye on a Palestinian Showcase 2636972. Lipstick on Your Collar chronicling the romantic of four British soldiers in the of 1956 opens with a new meeting the woman upstairs. 6) (R) Ch. 2 1847625. 8 p.m.

8:30 Nanny (CC) 1885 Mr. Bean 6232 Second Noah Dreamboat. (CC) 8663 Fresh Prince 6359 Fresh Prince 5866 Murphy B. 7601 Good Co. 3408 Star Trek: Voyager innocence.

86779 Ellen 0 9069 Drew Carey 8576 Scientific American Frontiers 20137 Dave's World 5507 Coach (R) 9224 Nanny (R) 7243 Almost 6750 Star Trek: Voyager Innocence: 46175 Profit (Series Premiere) (FILM: Nom de code: Op Center 51601 Law Order Conspiracy. 603595 Fame 97427 (R) Vanessa Redgrave 51021 Nature 4566685 Lets Build 4547292 National 2754717 Sports 2733224 Hitchco*ck 904601 Hitchhiker 990408 Archaeol, 335663 History Edmonton Oilers. From the Nomiands Coliseum. Highway Joy Music 8733576 (Take 3 8436) Gravity 522021 541154 9 p.m. 9:30 (inside the Vatican (R) (CC) 3359 High incident (CC) 8427 TV FILM: Her Last Chance (1996) (Drama) TV FILM: Her Last Chance (1996) (Drama) Nowhere Man 99243 Murphy B.

52224 Good Co. 62175 Breakthrough: Science 33601 Murder One Chapter Nineteen. 31243. Murphy B. 15458 Good Co.

49359 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 2. 26311 77069 Enjeux (SC) 48137 (Biography: Lucky Luciano 623359 FILM: Moonlight Sonata (Musical) Global 326834 Journeys 868595 Jonathan Miller 71885 Kitty Bartholomew Gardener's World National 4729446 Face Off 7406092 Phoenix A Dogs Life. 441717 Frozen Tombs of Siberia (R) 433779 (CC) 794779 406779 Henrys Gorecki-Sorrowful 9533446 Hutton 76446 TV FILM: Son Rise (Tarzan Madison 866137 Midnight 12:30 Lipstick on Your Collar (R) 1547625 Magnum, P.1. 8160828 11222953 LateNight 6775248 Journal 6486606 Cheers 7002441 Carnie (R) 4212624 Tonight Show (CC) 34564644 Breakthrough: Science 54828 Tales-Crypt 48170 28424 63979446 Day Date 7309489 Paid Prog. 40538 Paid Prog.

26460 LAPD 90644 Rush L. 53538 dun musicien 71733427 Law Order Conspiracy 169206 Bravonews 906828 7696460 Beyond 785422 (Part 1 of 4) 43446 YourBaby 5471267 Pools 3264647 Sense 1471809 Sports 9163847 2636972 Hachhiker 7257644 Paid Prog. 704354 Paid Prog. 446408 Fabulous Sports Babe (R) 161364 Talk to Me 37 46462 Take 3 (R) 720354 Twilight 2. 334712 Served.

The Province from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.